Do you want to be ready when Jesus returns? Join me in reading and learning the Book of Revelation to understand WHY all these events are important and tied together. In a little over a month in 2020, lets recap. US & Iran rumors of war. Russia's government resigned consolidating power with Putin. Corona virus death toll is at 1000. US Middle East Peace Plan for Palestine. Queen Elizabeth removes title from Prince Harry. While Pope Francis & Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan continue on their destine plan to fulfill their roles mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
hey there my revelation Christians and thank you for tuning in to this channel in Revelation Christian comm now I've been away for quite a while and you deserve an explanation as to why well for the last half of the last year I've unplugged from YouTube I'm producing content because sometimes you too can burn you out and what happens is YouTube has these algorithms have change and all these different triggers are changing you're trying to play towards the algorithm to give use and get your video promoted but the problem was I realized I was serving YouTube and I really had to just unplug and get away how Jesus would do in like gospel why he would pull away from the crowds in solitude and I just pulled away just like we think and refocus my intent my heart my drive my purpose to Jesus I want to make sure that I serve Jesus and that in doing so I'm serving you I want to make sure when serving the algorithm or serving the the program of serving all these different tips and these tricks to try to get of use I just had to really focus on Jesus and trust that he would help promote this channel promote this content this awareness of events that's happening today and in those last days for the benefit of the body of Christ so that you all out there can understand what's going on and how relates to Jesus I can come and so I really had to unplug in 2020 it's gonna be a fresh start a redeployment of this channel a redeployment of content things that is going to serve you well serve Jesus focus on Jesus in that way I can have the peace of mind of serving my lord amen so without further ado let's jump into this content if this is your first time here again welcome to the revelation Chris comm we talked about here book of Revelation and signs leading to Jesus second coming so that you are prepared but let's talk about what this channel is about and how we're going to do 2020 all right let's jump in it so first what I want to do is just again think you've taken the time out it's even come to this channel and staying with me for all this time if you know me well you know I've been doing this since 20 team in deep diving into the book of Revelation I've been doing this in 20 2007 but actually into the book of Revelation until 2013 so now the question is what's the mission of Revelation question calm what is the purpose of the revelation question well the mission is essentially the teach you and help you understand the book of Revelation because let's face it a lot of churches today don't talk about the book of Revelation pastors don't talk about the book of Revelation or endtime events and most Christians about it Christ don't like reading it because it's too terrifying or it's just really hard to understand so that's why God moved me to be great really hyper focus in this book I mean God gave us a whole book about book a book a prophecy an entire book where all the other books of the Bible are historic testimonies or they're just verses pertaining to what's happening in the moment at the time for our edification as like the letters of the Epistle ba ba ba ba but nonetheless book of Revelation is a book of prophecy about the future of in the revealing of Jesus Christ and it's our book dedicated but we don't talk about it in the monitor church today and that's a problem so that's what this channel is dedicated before for you so how can you trust this content well don't trust me rather let's trust the book of the Word of God Jeremiah 29 the scripture says as for the Prophet who prophesize a peace when the word of the prophet comes to pass the Prophet would be known as one whom the Lord has sent so God is telling us here look I'm gonna let you know the message for you because when the Prophet says something is going to happen and when it happens that way you'll know that is who the Lord has sent this message is for you because when it happens it confirms that that message from the first was from the Lord this is what the Lord is telling us how to vet prophecy when it happens it's from the Lord so that's how you can understand and that's what we wanted to use here in this channel in this ministry and this work so that when I teach what the Polish bear taught meaning for you and it happens you're like oh well yeah the dude did say that this must be the message the Lord has sent all right so now I want to do is take a look at my website as it pertains to things that I've talked about on this channel and the prophecies to watch for you go to the website revelation Christian calm and when you go to where it says the Watchmen prophecy let's go to that page right now so here we're at watchman prophecy so when you go to again this is the go to prophecy page and watch your prophecy you'll scroll down you'll see prophecies that the Lord says about in Scripture that I said to watch for the later was confirmed what happened for example I said in 2013 watch for Queen of England and Queen of Denmark to be replaced by King and that's what the prophecy that's the fulfilled next which is revelation 17 12 we need to watch for tankini we'll talk about it another time but as I said watch for these two queens to be replaced Queen Elizabeth of England Queen Margaret of Denmark and in two days later it's on the new set of Queen prepares Charles for the throne then again on mark on June 27 2014 I said watch out for Pope Francis to meet princess on bents a lot of Jordan I said watch for these to the me as they're the prophesied white horse and rider as relates to the false prophet answer Christ I said that on twenty I said that in 2014 watch with these two individuals me because before they could go to them do their catastrophe I said watch women meet and then three months later they met so what the Lord taught me here that I just taught you I said watch for them to me as relates to the false prophet Antichrist I got to meet at some point before they go do the catastrophe case in point like for example Judas was the prophesied wanted to portray Jesus with thirty pieces of silver well Judas didn't just meet Jesus and on day one but training with 30 pieces so it they had to meet and then at a certain point in time he was come fulfill all those prophetic events by him portraying Jesus for thirty pieces of silver same thing here so we see just like I said in this case watch out for them to meet and then three months later as the Lord taught me that I told you they met and then again as I said in 2013 watch for the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth replays and Queen of Denmark to be replaced boom we have 2017 Queen says she's reportedly gonna pass over to crown the Prince Charles when she turns 95 so she's 93 so we have three more to go all right two more years ago my math was so bad on that right she's 93 now and she's gonna turn nine to five so we have two more years left so that's what we're waiting but these are the things that you can look at here in terms of understanding what I said in what has come to pass according to the teachers another Holy Spirit so that you can trust this content now what's the takeaway for this whole ministry what's the takeaway this content just to prepare you for the rapture and when Jesus when we join Jesus on the cloud the scripture tells us in first Thessalonians 4:17 that the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air so the dead in Christ will arise were dead Christians are gonna resurrect first then we will be caught up together with them the dead in Christ to meet the Lord in the clouds but this is what the rapture happens and this is where we're gonna meet the Lord and this is the preparation that I want to do for you this is how I want to edify you to teach you prepare you for when Jesus returns on the clouds so that we're ready to be caught up together with them so what's the plan well here's the approach that we're gonna do guys want to talk about Scripture we're gonna go into Scripture understanding what prophecy is for the purpose of it for example scripture tells us prophecy is to edify the church it's for edification expectation comfort we're going to look in the scripture knowing that prophecies the perp is the testimony of Jesus prophecy is not about you getting money you getting what you desire prophecy is not about you behind another house and money that's gonna be put in your bank account prophecy is about the testimony of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit gives the gift for the testimony of Jesus Christ that's what the Holy Spirit gives prophecy for it's where the Prophet is for the testimony of Jesus Christ the Old Testament prophets prophesied about Messiah would be crowned with thorns pierced then aside he will be good he will be crucified and what the condemned has gone would be gana before the Holy Spirit gave that the Old Testament prophets these prophecies as a testimony to Jesus Christ and didn't just change his mind to start giving you prophecies about stuff that you want for it different field to feel good it puts none the Holy Spirit gives the gift of prophecy for the testimony of Jesus Christ so that's the things we're gonna deep dive into just so we're we're really looking at you're not just trusting me but we're trusting the Lord in God's Word amen we're gonna talk about how the advance of the last days as is mentioned in acts God is going to pour out his spirit son the doors with prophesy there will be signs in heaven above signs on the earth from the blood fire vapor to smoke some will turn into darkness run into blood before the coming and great awesome day of the Lord and whoever calls on the name of the Lord be saved I'm going to go into Scripture like that and we're going to talk about other details and other events in Revelation 2 the seven seals seven trumpets seven bowls the resurrection and the rapture 144,000 market beasts a supernatural global deception these are things we want to really really hyper focus on so that you're ready ready and prepared and after we talked about scriptures another thing we're going to do is talk about world of X we're going to look into how for example the alliance with Turkey and Iran and Russia plays into the GOG Magog wars we're going to look into what's the significance for example of why Russia the government resigned given Putin ultimate power we're going to look at what's the point and what's the endgame and the purpose and meaning behind Trump's mental peace plan that Jared Kushner pushed together we're gonna look at the meaning behind wide Mecca and Harry I'm giving up their royal titles and how that ties into the next prophecy we need to look for which is revelation 17 12 the rise of ten kings so these are the things we're going to look at in terms of world events and next thing we want to look at this a study of the and the man who's going to be the Antichrist and this is Princeton song been too long Jordan now princess I've been to while Jordan there's gonna be a whole lot of talking about this guy because he is he's becoming more relevant as the years go on that I've been following and tracking this guy so we're gonna really hyper focus on this guy because this is the one who the Lord will is showing will be be Antichrist this is the guy who will be the man of sin the son of perdition and we're gonna look into two somewhat just give you a glimpse of how he talks and how he's trying to suggest we need a global world assembly a citizenship of the world a regional citizenship that'll solve all of humanity's problems just take a look and listen to what he has to say the world has to take heed of what has happened and New Zealand and the concept of a global democratic association of people citizens assembly is so important today because with strong powers and smaller powers in the world it is simply impossible not to take heed of the goodness of the Kotahitanga of New Zealanders the Solidarity and our oneness and I think that a world at war with itself can only find serenity in the example of the compassion and the love that New Zealanders have shown to the other what I'm gonna show you and what he's already said in the past his solution that he wants for the Middle East in North Africa East Asia area is that he wants a world citizenship he wants the world to be one one citizenship one region that's all one people kind of like how Germans French and span the span they're a part of Europe same thing he wants to take that concept and apply it to the Middle East but there has to be someone who's in charge of that region which is what he wants he wants a crown he wants to be that man of sin that rules and in the book of daniel you may recall in the era of the toes with the statue there is the era of clay and the clay kingdom in an iron Kingdom this is the man who wants to be the king of that clay kingdom so we're gonna look a lot more into him but this give me an idea of what we're gonna really hyper focus on then we're going to also look at the study of the man who will become the false prophet and that is none none other than Pope Francis so Pope Francis has already fulfilled prophecy of revelation 17 verse 11 where it talks about that the one after the 70 would be there for a short time which is Pope Benedict who resigned he was there for a short time says that this guy is the eighth who is the beast the beasts of the sea kind of putting the ladies just like there was a prophet John the Baptist that introduced the price there's like what there's also the counterfeit and Satan's point of view that is a false proper that introduced the Antichrist so there's going to be a hyper focus on looking at Pope Francis Inc in conjunction with Princess on Benton law so we're going to definitely take a look at this guy as well so I hope you guys enjoyed this I really hope that this was a very informative up-to-date video just to keeping a look that have not forgotten I have not quit and I will contain epic content out and if you feel that this response or resonates with you subscribe to the website guys it really helps to subscribe that way I can deliver more content you keep you up to date with up-to-date news of what's going on in the world and if you like this video please give me a like because folks just realize that folks do look at the likes this in dislike ratio to see if this is a video that you should trust your engagement shows that this is a constant this is content that can be trusted that is good and you're like I really would appreciate so just give me a thumbs up if this video and what you see where we're gonna do moving forward 2020 is gonna definitely have an impact on the body of Christ and you leave a comment folks and I really want to know about what you're interested in learning about from the book of Revelation I want to know what you're looking to see and what you're looking to understand it turns at in time so you helping me helps you that way I can serve Jesus Christ well I want to be able to serve our Lord well I don't want to let him down I want to make sure I've served me well so I need your engagement and you will get more engagement from me so this is where we're going to do in 2020 dr. research you guys take a moment to stick with me all these years 2020 we got a lot of work to do so much has happened in her so long time is so hard to keep it all I'm a one-man show but with the Lord guide he's gonna make it all possible I'll keep him in mind I would trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and make sure I serve you all well thank you so much I look forward to the next video and remember to keep watching because Jesus is coming