The Revelation Watchman

Pope Francis
Many are familiar with the man and topic, The Antichrist. However, I find that there are many more who are unfamiliar with THE False Prophet. Not to be confused with "many false prophet" who will rise in the end times, rather THE False Prophet who will be the unholy spiritual and military power the Antichrist will wield to set in motion events of the Book of Revelation. On this site I will show my religious belief that shows exactly how scriptures of the Book of Revelation points to Pope Francis as the man who will become THE False Prophet.

This is what God wants you to know...
So you might be unfamiliar with Pope Francis and find my suggestion that he could be THE False Prophet doubtful. Let me share some key facts about him to better lay the groundwork for this claim.
Daniel's Prophecy of Iron
In Daniel 2 prophetic statue, we're given a prophecy of the timeline of mankind from the Babylonian Kingdom to the last Kingdom on earth when Jesus return. In the prophetic statue, the timeline goes from the gold head (Babylon Kingdom), to the chest & arms of silver (Medes & Persian Kingdom), to the bronze waist (Greek Kingdom), which becomes iron (Roman Kingdom), which becomes iron legs (East & West Roman Kingdom), and end with two feet mixed with iron & clay (the False Prophet & Antichrist kingdom). Since the end time began after Israel became a nation in 1948, this puts our generation at the era of the feet. Meaning we will see the kingdom of Iron & Clay, biblically known as the East & West Roman Empire, currently known today as Europe & The Middle East.
The Pope/Horse wears white
In Revelation 6, there's a series of seals that Jesus opens. Each seal has a Rider & Horse. The Horse begins as a white Horse, then red, then black, and pale (green). If you see the duality pattern God gives us about The False Prophet & The Antichrist, you can see if in the Rider & Horse, which actually represents The False Prophet & Antichrist. Yet, which of these are the them? Well, Popes are known across the world to wear what color? White. The 1st Seal Horse is also, what color? White. This means that Pope Francis (who wears white) represents the Horse and the Rider represents The Antichrist-both working together.