The Revelation Watchman

Many prophecies remain unfulfilled, and understanding them is crucial. This page highlights the most immediate prophecies to watch and track. By following these signs, you'll see precisely where we are on the prophetic timeline. Stay with me to access a valuable resource that keeps you prepared and informed about upcoming prophetic events. Explore these insights and stay ahead in your journey of understanding end-time prophecies.

The 10 Kings Are Here
We're now in the time where the Ten Kings are here. The 10 Kings mentioned in Revelation and in the Book of Daniel are set and in motion to trigger other events mentioned in the Book of Revelation and other end time Bible prophecy books. Now that they are here we need to look for the next prophecy to unfold which is mentioned in Revelation 17: 12 "“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast."

The 10 Kings Receive Power & Authority WITH Pope Francis For One Day
Now that the 10 kings are set the prophecy mentioned in Revelation 17:12 indicates that they receive Authority for 1 hour as kings with the Beast. This implies that these 10 Kings do not have authority until the prophecies they shall receive Authority. As of now the Royals of Europe are more or less figureheads of their Nation but do not hold military power over there troops rather that it has been delegated to the prime ministers. So this prophecy infers that since Authority was given to the Prime Minister over their military some event shall happen where this reverse in Authority shall be given back to them. As for 1 hour that actually means for one day. In addition notice how the 10 Kings will be with Pope Francis. Supplies that win this transition of authority and power goes back to the 10 monarchs Pope Francis will be present with them

The 10 Kings Give Their Power & Authroity TO Pope Francis
The next event mentioned in the Book of Revelation 17:13 "13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast" indicates another event to take place regarding the Ten Kings and Pope Francis. This prophecy tells us that the Ten Kings were all be of one mind thinking the same thing and they will then give their Power Authority that they just received to the beast. Revelation 17:11 tells this is Pope Francis is the Beast of the sea that this verse is referring to. So what we can discern from this first is that the Ten Kings will give their power and authority to Pope Francis. First we see that Pope Francis was with the China kings when they received their Power Authority but this verse indicates that they will give their power and authority to Pope Francis.

Pope Francis: The Most Powerful Man On Earth
Revelation 17:14-15 tells us "14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. " which means the 10 Kings and their Nations will become the enemies of the Lamb Jesus Christ when he returns. Pope Francis will lead these 10 Nations and lead them to war against Jesus Christ and His followers. Scripture also shows that the world will be in reverence and in awe and worship this beast who is Pope Francis and the power that he welds. The Ten Kings will give him their military might and Pope Francis will the most powerful man on the earth having the military might of 10 Nations. Put this into perspective imagine the US president who has the military power of one nation now imagine the US president having military power of 10 Nations. How much destruction could one man inflict on a nation when he gives an order to attack and 10 Nations respond with sea, air, and land attacks.

The Beast Of The Sea Destroys The Harlot
When this event happens, Pope Francis will hold unprecedented influence, backed by the military power of ten nations. Revelation 17:16-17 foretells a dramatic turn of events: the Beast of the Sea will turn on the Harlot, making her desolate, naked, devouring her flesh, and burning her with fire. This passage reveals that the Beast's actions are driven by God's purpose. Understanding this, we can discern that the Beast of the Sea, identified as Pope Francis, along with the military might of the ten kings, will ultimately destroy the Vatican. This prophecy is a crucial sign of the end times, demonstrating a significant "falling away."
Stay with me to delve deeper into these revelations and understand their implications.

Pope Francis Destroys The Vatican
The very last verse in Revelation 17:18 reveals the identity of the Harlot: "And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth." This great city, the Vatican, fits all the identifiers mentioned in this chapter. With this understanding, it becomes clear that Pope Francis will receive the power of the ten kings. God will put it in their hearts to unite in mind and use their military might to utterly destroy the Vatican. The destruction of the Vatican is one of two critical events needed to usher in Jesus' Second Coming, as outlined in 2 Thessalonians 2. The first event is "the falling away," and the second is the rise of the "Man of Sin" who will enter the Third Temple and proclaim himself God. Many interpret "the falling away" as Christians abandoning their faith, but this term, rooted in Old Testament Jewish context, refers to the destruction of a great city. Isaiah 21:9 says, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen! And all the carved images of her gods He has broken to the ground." Similarly, Jeremiah 51:8 states, "Babylon has suddenly fallen and been destroyed. Wail for her! Take balm for her pain; Perhaps she may be healed." In this prophetic context, "Babylon" symbolizes the Vatican. Understanding "the falling away" as the destruction of a city, as referenced by Isaiah and Jeremiah, provides a crucial perspective on end-time events. This pivotal moment will change the course of history and set in motion the events described in the Book of Revelation.
Stay with me to delve deeper into these prophetic insights and understand their significance for our time. Join our community to explore the connections between ancient prophecies and current events, preparing for the momentous changes ahead.

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