This is what God wants you to understand about the Book of Revelation and the End Times. All right, let's recap. Proof the harlot is Vatican City. I shows you the bishops and cardinals represent the red and the purple on the harlot. I'll show you. The papal tiaras represents the gold, precious stones and pearls. I. So the Vatican sits in the middle of seven hills as the harlot sits in the middle.
Seven heads. I showed you the Vatican is a monarchy. So the five kings have fallen. One is the sixth. The seventh would be there for a short time fulfilled. And Pope Francis represents the eighth. Who's the beast of the sea, a.k.a. the false prophet. So to the ninth King, it's King Charles. To watch for a new king in Denmark would represents the 10th.
And that when these ten kings come, they will have power in which they will have it with Pope Francis. And then with that military power, they will then give it to Pope Francis to make him the most powerful man on the planet who will give the power to Antichrist, and which they would then destroy the Vatican. And we find that the people, nations, languages and tongues represent the Catholics run by Pope Francis.
And then we find the next verse here is the woman that you see is the great city represented by the Vatican.