@TheRevelationChristian explains the Unveiling of the Secrets of the Harlot of Babylon and the Papal Tiaras: A Startling Revelation! Continuing the Book of Revelation series showing how the pages of the prophetic book is unfolding right before our eyes.
this is what God wants to understand about the end times and the Book of Revelation so we'll continue where we left off where God is talking about this prophetic image of this Harley that sits on the beach with seven heads and ten horns with a golden cup wearing red and purple adorable gold pressed Stones pearls now this is a future world religion that will have a huge influence over the world nation languages tribes and peoples and Kings so this is what we see and guys showing us that when we see these this world religion and its influence in a sequence of events will know without a shadow of a doubt that we are living in end times so now we previously learned that the red and purple represents the Cardinals and the Bishops of the Roman Catholic church so let's see what else we can learn from this image so this says that the woman is also a dormant gold precious stones and Pearls so it's covered in adorned it's adorned with it with this jewelry what does that mean well since it's points of Ronald church we see here is talking about the papal Tiaras the crowns and Tiaras of the post that we find wearing gold precious stones pearls and this is happening now so you can see that yes we are living in the end times