Have you ever wondered about the Book of Revelation and Noah's Ark? This video explores this mysterious story from the Bible and what it could mean for us today. We'll also look at what the Bible says about the Flood and Noah's Ark. Finally, we'll explore what the Bible has to say about the end of the world, and the hope that it offers for the future. Join us as we delve into this fascinating book from the Bible!
watch watching Brooks the Revelation Christian continuing our 2023 Bible prophecy series now we're going to next the next story we're going to look at is Noah and the flood now here we're all familiar with Noah's Ark in the flood but the second I want to point out we find that God tells Noah to build the ark which is the Salvation of God and to the very animal goes into the yard and they are saved from the Wrath that's poured which is the flood this correlates to Revelation in Book of Revelation chapter 16 where we see that this is also happens that after God's people are saved then God pours this wrath on the earth and we see the comparison here so what we find is that God is throwing symbolically or the ark which is salvation God to a very animal represents the Believers Gentiles and the Believers who are Jewish so the Jew and Gentile Believers we're going to Jesus then after their Rapture out then God pours his wrath on the earth we mentioned in Revelation 16. so we see the correlation here between God using the ark symbolically of Two River Animal being saved from the Wrath likewise we see in revelation God what Rapture his people and then when we say from the Wrath mentioned in Revelation 16. I hope you like this and follow me for more