Now that the US Gov't, military, and media are having open discussion and disclosures about the topic of UFOs, through the Book of Revelation, we also must learn to include hundreds of thousands of people-abductees and their accounts, where across the world they were taken into these crafts, with testimonies of human reproduction operations, embryo genetic modification, and human-hybridization. If this is to hard to believe, then you didn't read Genesis 6 when during the time of Noah, fallen angels conducted the same clandestine program to the human race, producing a race of giants, where God sent His wrath to earth via the flood. This is pointing to events of the Book of Revelation, as Jesus said His return, "will be like the days of Noah" where again, we are seeing the human race being misled, deceived, and manipulated for a secret evil agenda, prophesied in the bible.
then we have 1961 betty and barney hill the first american case in the airline abduction where they were taken out of their vehicle and then led into a craft where different experiments were done on the both of them then we had a few years after that another prophecy was fulfilled israel takes jerusalem where zechariah 8 7 remember we just did eight eight six now we're down eight seven and said and they shall dwelt god is speaking and they shall dwell in the midst of jerusalem and they shall be my people and that would be their god in truth and righteousness so we see in the first verse zechariah 8 6 we see they too that god brought them back to israel 8 7 god brought them back to jerusalem so because so far you see how zechariah 8 6 we see how god says he's going to bring him back to the land then we see 87 god brought him even closer to jerusalem so we see that this parallel of prophecy happening and then at the same time this weird anomalies of ufos flying saucers and abduction happening at the same time why is that let's continue to find out now we're talking about the last prophecy zechariah 8 9 where we're talking about the temple being rebuilt so we see that in the zechariah 8 9 the last prophecy remaining is that the temple needs to be rebuilt so would you notice a biblical prophetic pattern that's happening that as zechariah's prophecy has happened where god brings us into the land there's some ufo incident that happens when god brings them closer to jerusalem there's another ufo abduction incident that happened and now we have this last prophecy where they'll bring bring the rebuilt the third temple and we have only ideas of what will happen but it will be within the same context within the same narrative within the same space of ufo aliens abductions etc but it's going to be on a heightened scale something else is going to trigger but we'll be within the same space so we see this consistency here and i want you to notice that that israel and what's happening with israel relates to this topic of ufos and abductions that's happening across the world now going back to september 61 about betty and barney hill the first americans that was abducted i want you to see what they talked about they talked about they were on a craft and they were taken by these small grayish grayish beings with almond eyes long fingers uh six fingers six toes i think and it has slits for mouths and they were taking um his sperm and other abductees were also giving accounts how their sperm was taken women would also have their ovaries take over ovis takers their eggs in which they would then create a fetus and then the fetus would then be taken out of the woman and put into a gestation tube in which they would then grow and as they grow they became hybrids and then what would happen is periodically the abductees would come back or be abducted again and start to raise these hybrids from children to adolescents to teens to adults to help them understand what being a human is what is a doll what is a spoon what is a ball how to act human they will be enlisted to not only birth these different uh hybrids but they will also give teachings and lessons about what it's like to be human and then as they grew up they have these adult-looking hybrids where they look almost human but they don't act human they have qualities that are human but they don't seem human and this is what this and from this account of the abductees it is suggested that they are also integrated into the population now a lot of this is pulled from this uh different this researcher here dr david jacobs p of temple university who's been studying this phenomena of abductions for decades now i want you to listen what dr david jacobs says about this different about the specific phenomena as it relates to these different hybrid beings and how they are being how abductions happen how fetuses how women uh are conceived with these fetuses and are taken out and they grow to be hybrids to later than be used as a means of being students for the abductees to teach them how to be human and later integrate them into society and this is from this book the walking among us which i have which i purcha which i've just purchased it's a really good book i don't get paid for this this is not an endorsement but it's a very good book and understanding the abductees experience from this stuff from this phenomena of quote alien abductions and how this hybrid program is happening but this is what dr jacobs has to say about this topic uh but in fact it's not it's just it was unimaginable to me when i started doing this research what this was all about just not not imaginable i could not have ever imagined where i'd be today with this phenomenon and i have kicked and screamed all the way through as i have slowly moved people say oh well hybrids are here right now and i just blew all that stuff off and now i think to myself in my own research where i can have control of it and i know my weaknesses and i know the weaknesses of the methodology and i know the strengths of the methodology i now can say to myself that this is an integration program and that hybrids are uh we'll be integrating into the society and might be doing it now and uh and i can't get away from that i can't rationalize that in any psychological way in terms of dave's marshaling the evidence it's all pointing in that direction i mean there isn't anything in it that you can read as being a divergence into oh yes they really want to come and learn about our computers or or hear our music or become artists or who knows what or cure cancer we don't we don't get that we don't get any anything that diverges from this yet the this we're talking about is really a future thing which we do not understand yet fully uh in human terms anthropomorphic terms it does look like ultimately some kind of takeover so part dr jacobs and his associate and colleague bud hopkins that does this research for years on abductees he finds that there are being people are being taken across the planet and what's happening is the ovum sperm has been taken creatine the zygote fetus fetus is then put in the womb taken out then dna has changed into that feed is to make it grow into this hybrid and this happens and repeated to where they grow where their birth more hybrids to so the end result is the hybrid looks as human as possible and now we sit there integrating into society but the thing i want to make clear is this we have seen this before in genesis 6. take a look genesis 6 talks about these sons of god these fallen angels that came down saw daughters of men and married them and lots of them and gave birth to impregnated them and gave birth to these giants says here in verse 4 there were giants on earth in those days and also afterwards when the sons of god which means fallen angels came to the daughters of men conceived with them and bore children to them says here the lord saw the wickedness of man what's great on the earth and that his every intent of his thoughts and his heart was only evil continually and it says here the lord said i would destroy men who are created on the face of the earth now this is why this is why i want to want to point this out is because look at this here we have genesis 6 where ungodly beings from the sky influenced and manipulated the human race by conceiving with women and producing a hybrid race of beings called giants and other ones called men of renown god then seems from the result of this we see the lord said that there was a great wickedness on the earth and that the thought and intent of man was only evil continually so these beings from the sky came down conceived with the human race produced hybrids and that was like an accelerant of evil that caused mankind to just get even more evil and god responded by pouring his wrath on the earth in this case was the flood now we fast forward today we see this could happen again in the near future these ungodly beings from the sky will influence and manipulate the human race again and as a result jesus warned us the result of that he said take heed that no one deceives you for many will come saying that i am the christ i will deceive many because a lot of us will abound the love of many will grow cold and as a result we see revelation talks about how god reports wrath with via the bulls on the earth so we see the same pattern of these beings from the sky accelerate the evil of man's heart on the earth god responds by destroying it then we see again the same pattern happening as we speak but i want to pay really close attention to this right here where god says take he that he says that take he that no one deceives you which means that the beginning the start of the end times begins with deception he said when it begins with deception when asked when it's going to lead to his return he starts it with make sure no one deceives you many are going to come and say that i am the christ and will deceive many well who are these many that he's talking about i'm glad you asked now if the us military and pentagon is stating that these are not alien beings since they set the precedent in the beginning in the 50s saying they are interplanetary alien beings now that but now the narrative's changing that they're not then what are they it's simple it leaves only for them to be spiritual beings that's what's happening here they're changing the story so that satan can then change the world and change their narrative for the world to accept them as spiritual beings but tell me what you thought i really hope this was edifying to you i hope you learned if you did leave me a like comment and definitely share this to others so we can get them all aware of what's going on and happening in the world today [Music]