@TheRevelationChristian will explain The New Millennium Unveiled: Incredible Bible Prophecies Since 2000!
I want to show you prophecies that's been fulfilled since the year 2000 look at this so we have first John Paul II who died in 2005 fulfilling Revelation 17 10 one is the sixth King who's died the seventh King prophecy in verse 11 says the one who'll be there for a short time Pope Benedict fulfilled that instead of dying as a pope he resigned as Pope February 2013. next verse to talk about the one who's going to be the eighth the Beast and Pope Francis fulfill that as Revelations eighth King to be to see the false prophecy all end time events are going to Usher through him he's the one who's the false prophet then we have the ten horns in verse 12 which are to AKA Ten Kings and up to 10 royal families which was once the East Roman Empire several of them advocated leaving two queens king queen of Denmark queen of UK as the last Queens UAE made a treaty with Israel in September 2020 which is the AKA makes ways for the kings of the East then we find in 2020 two we were Queen Elizabeth passed away King Charles becomes king making fulfillment of the ninth King prophecy so that the only thing we need to watch for is the new can Denmark and when this happens the 10 King prophecy will be fulfilled