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The Revelation  Watchman

THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE -The History of Prince Hassan Bin Talal - Antichrist Series Vol 2

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

What is the history of the Antichrist Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan? Now the Book of Revelation shows he will become a king. Yet, when did his kingdom begin? Learn about his history and how the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan started that laid the foundation for Prince Hassan to become the future Antichrist.

welcome to the Prince of Sodom into la Antichrist series in this video we're going to discuss the origin of the man of sin all throughout the internet you find so many videos on this topic of the Antichrist but this channel here according to the teachings on Holy Spirit you're gonna find with specificity details reviews analysis and scriptural reference point to who the man is sin really is in which you'll come to find out is princess on bin talal of Jordan and after watching this video you're gonna understanding about princess unbent a lot of Jordan you wanna learn about his origin his lineage his ancestry building the foundation that we're going to use to build upon on this series so you're gonna be fully under full II aware of who he is and who God is showing us who he will become now Weiss watch from Brooks through the revelation Christian calm and I hope Christians understand the book of Revelation and to prepare them for Jesus second coming the rapture is when the dead in Christ will rise and the we will join them and meet him in the cloud so far several events that I said the watch for according to the teaching the Holy Spirit has been confirmed or has come to pass as the Lord has said when the Prophet when the word of the province comes to pass that one will be known as one who the Lord has sent and here you can see and which I said watch for the Pope and Prince Hassan bin Talal to meet in June 2014 three months later they met September 2014 according to the teacher in the Holy Spirit it came to pass just as Lord has said so you can see the Holy Spirit is here with this channel for our edification and you find after watching this video you are edified your comfort and your exhort the Lord and your heart draws closer to Jesus Christ definitely visit the website and subscribe visit the website so that way you can keep updated on news alerts events revelation events and other videos that are my post or if you want to just get engaged with the community of revelation Christians all discussing topics leading to Jesus second coming definitely subscribe to the website and also if you want to support this channel financially I have a podcast where I give weekly or daily information of repenting to news as relates to the book of Revelation Pope Francis Prince a son and all these other things that way I could keep you in the loop on a daily basis so definitely check that out financially helps me and I label it enables each for what I love doing to commute consistent content so definitely check that out well really appreciate that so let's see what the Holy Spirit has to teach us today so now we understand how the Holy Spirit's going to teach us let's first start with the Roman Empire now we know that Daniel statue that it goes to and the Lord tells us and teaches us through the statue that he will return at the era of the feet remind you in this Daniel statue this is the empires of the man until the impotence of the kingdom of God is set up on earth you had Babylonian Empire that was taken over by the Persians which was conquered by the Greeks Greeks then became the Romans Romans then split into the east and west east and west in roman empire which then was been the western excuse me the eastern side of the roman empire was then conquered by fell to the ottomans the ottoman empire ruled the eastern side of the roman empire while the western broke up but the eastern side was ruled by the Ottoman Empire and but then in 1920 it ended when you had the British and the French and the Arab revolt that happened where they went to topple the Ottoman Empire that ended that reign and this is where we begin because it was at this moment where the Europeans need a partner to then overthrow the Ottoman empires from the Middle East though they had the British and the French the British and French needed someone in the Arab region who could rule the air people someone who the Arabs respected someone who could protect European and French interests in this case was the oil and they found a Hashemite leader called Hussein bin Ali Hussein Ben Ali and it was run to the French and the British went to as a partner in joining in as an ally to overthrow the Ottoman Empire from there you had who you had him become the Sherif or a mere which means protector or general of or that what you might call has Josh from there that started this that started the rise of the Hashemite kingdom or king of Arabs this is where it all began for the Hashemite dynasty the Hashemite kingdom was when the faller ottomans happen it relied upon the arabs or in this case the leading of the sheriff Emir Hussein bin Ali he then led the revolt that gave the British and the French and Ally to help overthrow the Ottoman Empire now from here this is when the kingdom started to expand so with the support the European support mind you you see that you have you got King Hussein Banali who had this European support through the French and the British with their support he was able to expand his rule in his region by having a Sun King Faisal rule of Syria who also ruled Iraq and then you had his other son King Abdullah the first who was king of Jordan this became the kingdom or the Hashemite Kingdom with his sons and himself ruling the land and if you just noticed as I showed you King Hussein bin Ali ruled that region of the world with the support of the Europeans in this case the British and the French so you had the Arab region with the European region working together which also mimics and shows or reflects what the scriptures show or depicted in Daniel statue in the feet where it was mixed with iron and clay so as there was a partnership as scripture says in Daniel about how there's a king that's weak in the kingdom the strong or kingdom of clay and kingdom of iron likewise you see it here in historical reference the Arabs with ruling by King Hassan King Hussein bin Ali and for the Arab region and the Europeans with who French and the British so you have the Europeans and the Arabs working together just like how you had the clay and iron working together see the comparison and I forgot to mention before but the reason why I was called Hashemite Kingdom is because King Hussein bin Ali was of the tribe of the bidding Hashim in other words Benny Hashem is the tribe in which the Prophet Muhammad was from because King seen Ben Ali is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad so the Prophet Muhammad is from the tribe of Benny Hashem and then King Hussein bin Ali becomes this King in which he declares his kingdom Hashemite Kingdom so that's the derivative of Benny Hashem to the Hashemite Kingdom so this is the dynasty that he built with the help of the Europeans now if you notice here go go revelations chapter 6 what you'll find very interesting that I want to point out is this if you notice in the first seal guess what we see in that seal a white horse and you go to the second seal guess what you see in that seal a fiery red horse if you go to the third seal that's what you see in that seal a black horse now if you go into the fourth seal guess what you see a pale horse translation propel is green and lo and behold look at this God could not make it much more clear as to where to focus our eyes on a whit will take place in the region of the world a lot of things will happen as it pertains to the book of Revelation where it would take place I don't know how what else Lord could have done check this out so if we just read how a horse was white a horse was red a horse was black and a horse was green and we see him the turn of the 1900s a new kingdom rises we find a new kingdom called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in which their flags are also white like the white horse the flag also is red like the red horse their flags also has black like the black horse and their flag also is green like the green horse Ottoman Empire ruled their regional world their flag is red and white the Hashemite kingdom pops up a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad builds a kingdom hash on my king upwards I mean Rex a new flag red white black and green in the scriptures tells us of in times of four horses that has the same exact colors red white black green so God is showing us the region of the world where this events will take place by placing the flags of the very horses on the colors of the very people that this will be about the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and this is blowing your mind and you are totally like astounded by what the Holy Spirit is teaching you put in the comics below Jesus is coming let every want to see that this is of the Lord this is a teaching for us so that we can increase Jesus in our heart put Jesus's coming in there so anyone that comes they might be encouraged and see awhile this is the real deal so now when we look in continue on we find that in 1947 he went plans for Israel state because prior to that there were 1947 there was no such thing as it was Palestine but they plan here and adopt a resolution that they said okay the Jews need their own land and that was in 47 and at the same time this man was born in 1947 princess on bent a lot of Jordan Princess Anne Bentzel of Jordan who was born in the same year in which Israel UN adopted a resolution to consider and have the Jews have their own state in which that didn't happen but now what I want you to pay attention to is this when Princess Anne Bentzel I was born notices folks when Jesus was born and we read the gospel the Messiah King was born of a virgin there was a bright light in the sky you might recall the light that led the three wise men and hovered over the manger there was a bright light in the sky when Messiah was born and guess what on Prince a son's birthday on March 20th 2015 on his birthday there was a dark light in the sky how odd is that you have when Messiah the Christ went on his birth date when he was born there was a light in the sky cord into the scriptures and then on the one who we're pointing to in Scripture is pointing to as to being the one who will be the Antichrist there was a dark light in the sky there was an eclipse so the Christ had a bright bright light in the sky but the one who we seed who will become the answer Christ had a dark light in the sky and the clips and then we're gonna close with this and in 48 the year after that Israel became a nation fulfilling Zechariah eight prophecy when the Lord says thus says Lord behold I will save my people from the land in east and west so the Lord's gonna bring them back from the lands of the east and what happened in 1948 the year after that so folks I hope you finally get the chance to understand the origin and the birth of princess unbent a lot of Jordan you had a chance to be able to see how who he was his lineage you got to see his ancestry you get to see how he became a royal how did the rule hide the kingdom even start you got to see how the connection of Europeans Arabs how they joined forces like in the scripture of the prophecy of Daniel statue now there's a play in the iron how they work together the Arabs and the Europeans how they work together you got the sea horses correlate to their flags which did not exist prior to the Ottoman kingdom so that did not happen until after they participated into the revolt establishing their Kingdom in that region of the world so you're seeing with your own eyes and then how astounding is it to see that on a Christ birthday when he was born there was a light that's got in him is guys birth date was an eclipse an opposite of a light in the sky a dark light an eclipse so I hope you guys really really like this if you did folks definitely give me a thumbs up because you're the social proof to these videos show the the masses and show those who visit this channel and to watch this video that this is the real deal now this is this is legitimate and if you also leave me a comment below I would love to know what you think about I love to know your thoughts on it so definitely me a comment below and let me know how this is edifying your heart how this is growing you closer to Jesus Christ so this is something that you've just never heard before and I'd love to hear your feedback and lastly because churches don't talk about this pastors don't talk about this this is not on Christian media sinister one Christian one Christian you know who has not heard this information before just one and they can even doubt it but here's the thing when this man comes on the scene you'll be able to say Holy Spirit told you so Holy Spirit told yourself just like Jesus at the Last Supper today is this guy I'm gonna give the bread to the dude who's the who's gonna Cooper dreamy I don't know what I was gonna need to say but besides that send it to one Christian or one Christian you know that way we can get the word out and we're all doing our part one plants one other word waters but God gives the growth amen Bob thank you for watching I love doing this I love serving Jesus by serving you and remember to watch because Jesus is coming [Music]

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