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The Revelation  Watchman

Jesus Prophesies Destruction Of The 2nd Temple By Rome

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

@TheRevelationChristian will continue the explore bible prophecy through the scriptures and now show how Jesus prophecies about the destruction of the 2nd temple.

this is what God wants you to understand now we're going to continue our series learn about the Book of Revelation by going through the Old Testament New Testament and we just talked about when Jesus was done was crucified and resurrected now we're 40 years later in the year 7 A.D what happened after that where everything changed here we're going to see the second temple it was destroyed in 70 A.D and we're in the era of Daniel's waste in the Daniel 2 prophecy but the second temple was destroyed as Jesus prophesied that that's what happened as he said not one stone shall be left in one another shall be thrown down here off the Temple Mount you see the Romans did throw the stones off the Temple Mount where you see the rubble now so what Jesus said came to pass but we find that General Titus in 70 A.D destroyed everything in Jerusalem killed about a million Jews and took the treasures out the second temple back to Rome and they memorialized it in the archetitus and then we see in 90 A.D the Apostle John who's also the disciple John was exiled to a island cost patrons off the coast of turkey where he saw Jesus himself in the sampling form and revealed The Book of Revelation and this is what God wants you to understand foreign

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