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The Revelation  Watchman

Future Antichrist Prince Hassan Bin Talal Plan For World Peace

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

March 15, 2019, Christchurch, New Zealand, a right-wing nationalist went into a mosque and shot and killed 50 people and injuring 50 more. The man the scriptures are pointing to become the future Antichrist, Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan, went to speak on the matter in New Zealand since four Jordanians were also killed during the terrorist attack. Ironically, as with every human catastrophe: war, famine, mass murder, drought, refugees, etc. Prince Hassan always finds a way to advocate his vision and plan for world peace to solve all these human calamities: "human dignity through global citizenship".

so my son's gonna turn eight years old in June and I'm trying to figure out what we could do hoping that you guys are getting some ideas leave the comments below because we've done Legoland we've taken him to the beach for a birthday we've taken to a birthday party at the park we've done a birthday party at a fun kid the establishment where there's rise and rollercoasters we've done that we've done birthday at home so we've done all these things I'm trying to brainstorm and I am like hitting the wall of what we can do because his birthday is June 29th so if you guys want to come back to this video and say happy birthday Wesley on June 29th at work really that would make him really feel special so hope you guys can help me out on that one hey there I'm so glad that God led you here by His Holy Spirit so that I can serve Jesus well by serving you my squadron Brooks and I have a passion to help Revelation Christians like you understand the book of Revelation and science leading to Jesus second coming because on the Bible many occasions Jesus tells us to watch watch watch the signs that will lead to his return and as this world gets more sinful you probably see this yourself but not many churches and pastors have explained to Christians to understand what to watch for and that's why God called me to this service to help the revelation Christian community understand what to watch for leading to Jesus second coming you're probably wondering what makes me so special what makes me different from the other YouTube channels in the websites that talk on this subject well as the scripture says in Jeremiah 29 when the word of the Prophet comes to passed-out we want to know whom the Lord has sent well in my case Lord Holy Spirit taught me what to teach you in the June 27th I said watch for Prince's on bin talal of Jordan to meet Pope Francis as it will be the precursor leading to the first seal and I said watch for these two to meet princess on bin Talal of Jordan and Pope Francis and three months later September 4th they met just as the Holy Spirit taught me I said and they came and it came to pass the Holy Spirit revealed what he taught that I said to you all and that's the credibility that this channel this ministry this service here is the teaching of the Holy Spirit and also I want to thank the revelation Christian community for helping with in contribution every little bit helps and for all those who do contribute I like to recognize to honor you to the Revelation Christian community and just acknowledge you and thank you and give you so much love and shout out for your help and your financial support for this service it's a really really big help and I definitely appreciate and I want to let you know that can I'll keep watching this content and you feel that this was very informative this is helpful this is drawing your heart closer to Jesus and you can start seeing how he is coming and you want to contribute through donations or apparel or monthly subscription find the details below in the description and I will definitely shout out you and give you recognition and thank you as well I have different types of apparel that you may like I have a subscription monthly subscription service as well and again if you just want to drop a dollar in the donation bucket that's fine as well as long as you are a cheerful giver because the Lord God loves a cheerful Giver and so do i and if you do so I would definitely honor you and recognize you to the congregation here in this channel can I get a Amen no you have to do that here this is not church this is a revelation Christian community just getting together here so yeah that's what I'll do for you if you help me with this service in this video today you're gonna learn about the one who will be the Antichrist princess on bin talal and how he says that the New Zeeland attack that happened in March is an opportunity to discuss global citizenship which is a one world state where everybody's one now I've been following this man since 2013 and I've listened to his speeches listening to his interviews listening to his op-eds listened to his speeches I've listened to everything there is that can be said from him and all went over and over again he's pushing his vision for the world and how he wants there to be global citizenship where everyone is one and that will then solve the problems of the world with war famine drought energy infrastructure priority and all these other stuff for the sake of human dignity he now should understand princess on been Salah is that scholar of scholars this man knows the Bible this man knows the Quran minoes torah he speaks Arabic English French and a working understanding of Hebrew he also has non-government organizations or NGOs that propels human dignity and global citizenship he chairs committees you wing committees he chairs humanitarian organization he chairs think tanks you listed if there's no inter-religious committees and inter-religious organizations if there's committees or organization or NGOs or think tanks that talk about global citizenship interfaith dialogue this man princess on event Allah is at the forefront and leading that those discussions on March 15 2019 shooter in Christchurch New Zealand which is right off the coast of Australia went into a mosque and gunned down 51 people injuring 49 this man was a what you call a nationalist he had a manifesto which goes on to talk about all this hatred and violence and anyway he took that out and manifested his hatred and anger and killed 51 people in Christchurch New Zealand this is one of the most deadly attacks New Zealand has ever seen and since then many religious leaders politicians the public all came together to show their support for the victims and trying to move past this this hurtful damaging terrorist attack that they experienced and move to a place of healing and a move to a place of compassion and love try to cope with the deadly terrorist attack that happened in Christchurch New Zealand to kick to carried out by the shooter because of that terrorist attack that happened for Jordanians were killed so he went there to show his support to share in the condolences of the loss of the victims and those family members who lost loved ones and the injured but he was interviewed and there's some things I want you to understand about Prince Hassan bin Talal and what he's using this incident in tragedy for as a basis to propel his initiative for global citizenship for the sake of human dick so let's peel this apart I think you're gonna be quite interested to find out what he's really talking about now Princess Anne Bentzel law for decades has been leading committees and groups and think takes and non-government organisation NGOs pushing forth his vision and agenda of a global citizenship and through for human dignity in fact I want you to pay attention to cooling terms so he will repeatedly use as Mises and themes to try to move you but compassion to and to move you into empathizing with his cause so that you can be on board things like human dignity or global citizenship or he may even say we always talk about the financial deficit while we talk about the human dignity deficit you'll hear stuff like that in fact he doesn't even call the Middle Eastern Middle East he'll call it or refer to as West Asia North Africa so I want you to pay attention to when he's talking in his speeches and how he uses these coin terms these are his coin turns to promote his initiative and his vision of a global citizenship essentially a region where everyone is one one citizenship for example you have Germany Brits you have Germany Brits French and all of those countries surrounding them but they're called Europeans even though they're called Germans the French and the British to collectively they're Europeans so he has that same vision of we're all humans so we should all have a human state a human citizenship global citizenship where we're all once I just want you to pay attention ease terminologies and these point phrases of his as we move forward okay in addition to that this man is so well-connected and recognized he's recognized by American statesmen American presidents he's recognized by the royal family in Britain he's recognized by the Middle East Royals he's recognized by Asian political leaders in Indonesia he's recognized in France he can speak French English Arabic and have an understanding of Hebrew this man is so well-connected in such a scholar of scholars this is such an easy thing for him when the time comes for it to resonate with the world and to accept and adopt his initiative but I just want you to see how well-connected he is and what you understand the themes and his initiatives and his vision that has to eventually be accepted and adopted by the world this man is also honored and revered along the Islamic community community because he is the 42nd descendant of the Prophet Muhammad so he is well connected folks and because he's such he's recognized by so many people across the world the leaders government's Royals monarchies politicians statesmen across the world for him pushing this initiative in this this humanitarian goal of peace within the world because all humans for human dignity sake there should be global citizenship it's just a matter of time before that gets adopted but there's a couple things that's that's stopping him and that he needs in order to move this thing into motion now before we get into the interview in New Zealand just recognized if this were to come to pass you have to understand religions finances government constitutions and the list goes on education will all have to be rewritten for the sake of the world to co-exist for the sake of everyone to become one because everyone has their own doctrines constitutions you name it the world would have to abandon all that for the sake of human dignity to become one so that leads to what the Scriptures always talked about as a repeat of the tower Babel 2.0 where the whole world became one again but as you can see this is what he feels is the best solution for global peace there's a famine going on in the world Princess Anne Bentzel is there talking about human dignity through global citizenship if there's war going on in the world princess unbent salado's they're talking about human dignity through global citizenship and if there's now a shooting that takes place princess on pencil all's they're talking about human dignity through global citizenship we're coming from a part of the world where violence is endemic and to come to this utopia as the killer did and deserved the serenity and tranquility of New Zealand is an act that should be heeded by all of us in terms of developing a new understanding of what it is to sustain human dignity there he goes again human dignity human dignity is the solution to our problems and this is his coin phrase that he uses all the time in order to push his vision it's almost similar to when Jesus came into the scene and when Jesus came to the scene he said you must be born again and it's like whoa born again never heard that before and it just sunk into the hearts of those who follow Jesus here's another quaint phrase of this man princess on bin Talal the one who the scriptures I believe it will lead to being in the Antichrist so his phrase is being a human dignity so Jesus has born again he has human dignity remember this is all in attempt so he could be perceived as this man for human rights this man for humanitarian this man who's a humanist out to help all of humanity because it's for human dignity that's his motivation don't be deceived should we be concerned about retaliation I think copycat attacks retaliation all over the world is something or the victims and this is why I think that the time has come to wake up to the fact that we can say love thy neighbor and Anna and that's it we have to be vigilant we have to change our educational process we have to address the fact that hatred is the tool of actually yeah if you love your neighbor first then all the compassion for your neighbor comes second if you don't love your neighbor at all then nothing compassionate comes for your neighbor at all so here we have princess on bin Talal quoting Jesus the world in my pocket at the end what is happening in Yemen today 80 million people suffering starvation and the war that continues to attack with all kinds of ordnance and at the end of the day we are told this is important to create jobs in other countries it's a war that has been supported by both Britain and the United States well there you go I mean it's the elephant in the room again oil and weapons what about water energy and the human environment what about human dignity here we go again princess song been to LA promoting his human dignity vision again as if he really cares about the plight of the suffering and those different franchise individuals in the world well the thing is that if Princess on bin Talal is the one to be the Antichrist likewise Judas was called the son of perdition and we have the answer carts also call it the son of perdition so that means there's commonalities between the two well let's see what Judas who is the first son of perdition said as well because the Scriptures can teach us about the second son of perdition who will who is what descriptions I believe to be pointing to princess arm bends law of Jordan let's take a look at this John chapter 12 verse 3 through 6 then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard anoi did the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil but one of his disciples Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him said why was this Eggman's oil not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the money box and he would use it to take what was in it so as you can see the Scriptures is showing us that Judas was a thief who was the first son of perdition like and he owed the first son of perdition was advocating for the poor the needy those who were disenfranchised but he was a thief stealing from the money box likewise the second son of perdition scriptures point should be princess solomon's law is also in his heart a thief though he's calling for financial backing to help bring his vision to fruition though he's calling for the IDI he's advocating to the poor the needy disenfranchised make no mistake the first son of perdition is the same as the second son of perdition in the first son of perdition of scriptures tells us he was a thief likewise the second set of perdition is a thief so there you can see he's a liar and that's what the scripture is teaching us about Prince Hassan bin Talal doing the exact same thing that Judas did 2,000 years ago so there have it folks in its own words princess are bent Allah the one who the scripture is pointing to be the Antichrist you're heard and it's up himself speaking to you about his vision his initiative what he wants for the world but the only thing that he's lacking in order to bring it to fruition is the financial backing the military might and the coordination in order to be recognized to have the authority so that's what he's lacking I'll do another video to express those down explain it to you but which scripture says he will have but as you can see from his own lips you can hear how this man is is the most easiest and obvious candidate to be seen as the one who will be the answer Christ and also remember this church Judas was called the first son of perdition and the Antichrist is called the second son of perdition they both are called the son of perdition and remember Judas was seen for three years with the church the believers of Jesus Christ he talked with believers in Krita and the disciples of Jesus Christ he was engaged with Christians and believers of Jesus Christ he could be seen before he fulfilled that role of being the son of perdition so don't make no mistake that we have to see the second son of perdition hear him talk Hyrum engage him and speak with others hear him advocate his cause do everything that Judas did leading up to him being the second son of perdition he's just not gonna pop up out of nowhere because the first son of perdition Judas didn't pop out of nowhere neither will the second son of perdition just pop up out of nowhere I really hope that you enjoyed this content if you did please subscribe it really helps me gives all those who come to this channel for the first time social proof that this is a channel this is a website that really serves the body of Christ of Chris revelation Christians very well and I'd love to know your thoughts about this tell me that I know you go to church or you probably stop going to church or you probably don't even hear this stuff anymore from church-going Christians but as you can see you could see that Lord is just hitting your heart with truth so don't it deny it don't ignore it and see that this is the Lord calling you to to himself I want Jesus to increase from these videos and I want him to know what and I want to decrease so please leave a comment below tell me what you think about this I want to make sure that I'm serving y'all well so you have to let me know what talked to me and let me know how this video does for your growth and for your awareness to watch what Jesus tells us to watch for but if you don't even want to do that just give me a thumbs up Tommy just as good you don't have it leave a comment give me a thumbs up and now be just as fine as well so if you want more information and more content relating to signs leading to Jesus that can come in the book of Revelation visit my website I have much more content there I'm going to deliver much more tools for you all this month I'm going to be releasing audio through SoundCloud for a podcast I'm going to also increase my blogs to keep you posted with the news and I'll subscribe and if you could become a member I have some goodies that I'm working on this month to give you all if you become a member of the website I really appreciate that as well or just subscribe to the website so I can keep you in the loop so if you're busy I to keep you fed keep you up-to-date of what's going on in the world but thank you for watching I love you all and remember to watch because Jesus is coming [Music]

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