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The Revelation  Watchman

5 Bible Prophecies Proving We're Living In The End Times In 2020

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

This review of the Book of Revelation will help you see proof and evidence that we are living in the end times and the rapture is so close as we draw deeper into the last days. Plus you will also see how close we are to the rise of the long awaiting Antichrist and The False Prophet

thank you very much so the president was just thinking am on brain and UAE for their participation in this Palestinian statehood to make peace with Israel and for this peace plan in the Middle East and he thinks these particular these particular countries now let's look at a map and see where they are in relation to Israel because remember when God is giving geography and direction it's all based from Jerusalem and around that because the scripture says that Jerusalem is the center so that's how God looks at it it's from the center where Jerusalem is and goes from here so let's think of that map let's look at a map and see what we have to find ok so here's a map of the Middle East and there you find Israel and here the dotted line you find Euphrates River now what we see is the president just thanked several countries for participating in the peace play Middle East peace plan to give Palestine Palestine statehood to make peace in Middle East now those countries that he mentioned was Oman UAE and by rank and if you see where we're going east of Jerusalem as mentioned by the angel to prepare the way of the kings from the east guess what you find Oman the UAE you mind United Arab Emirates and Bahrain these are monarchy countries these are monarchy countries and these countries will benefit when that angel pours on that river it dries up it will benefit them to make ready their way so we see that now we have these kings from the east identified as it relates to the book of Revelation when the refrain of River dries up in relation to Kings from the east of Jerusalem just saying folks now we get to the last one so far I just want to see how are you guys feeling about this if this information is mind-blowing to you this information is very beneficial to you mark in the comments Jesus is coming we need to let all Christians be aware of what's going on so write down in the comments Jesus is coming so when folks and the body of Christ comes to here they go like yeah we need to pay attention to all this that's going on so let's do that there's more to come and here's the last one number five most obvious evidence sign to see that we are living it in time so let's keep going five so scripture tells us in Daniel about the Antichrist he goes to say this first we don't want to decipher just coding when you see horns because if Lord is gonna tell you and the ten horns out of this kingdom constellar rise so code four horns is Kings ten horns ten Kings so that's what the Lord is telling us when you see horns it's an indication of Kings now Daniel goes on to say eight nine out of one of them came a little horn which is the Antichrist which grew exceedingly great toward the south towards the east and towards the glorious land so the Lord is telling us here about this little horn we have ten horns which are ten Kings but then it talks about this little horn there's this little one that's going to go south towards Egypt east towards where Iraq is and then towards the glorious land which is Jerusalem Israel so we see that this basically this little horns going to end up covering a conquering the Middle East or the LaVon but let's see what else it has to teach us about this little horn you may find it so fascinating that's why I really get excited now Daniel says this heat Antichrist shall also into the glorious land Israel and many countries shall be overthrown but these shall escape from his hand Edom Moab and the prominent people of Vermont so this conquering little horn is gonna go on this military conquest go and control Israel to Jerusalem right Gold north toward Egypt Middle East I mean an east wind direction or Iraq but out of this conquest the countries that is gonna escape from his hand will be eaten more in the prominent people of Vermont Edom Moab in a month so let's take a look at this map here's a map of Edom Moab and a mine you see these three countries here as mentioned by Daniel so the little horns going this military conquest of the Middle East right but for some strange reason he's gonna does not conquer these well those countries then is present-day Jordan so what we're really seeing here is that this little horn must be a royal this little horn means he's a little king a short man and he is also affiliated with Jordan so this is the clues and this is what we understand from what the Lord is showing and what is said that this is a little hard meanest little King that he's going to be a king so it must be a royal and that he's going to go to this conquest of the Middle East but Jordan is gonna get a pass which must mean he's Jordanian you don't conquer what you already have right and lo and behold folks we have a person to fit that profile princess I'm bin Talal up Jordan he was over he's currently a royal he was Crown Prince of Jordan until his brother passed a crown to his son so he was passed over to be a king he should have been king but he was passed over at the on his brother's death bed when his brother when his brother died he was supposed to received a crown but prior to his brother's death his brother passed the crown to his son instead of to princess on been to LA and he's Jordanian so as you can see here he fits the profile of being a royal he fits the profile of being a short man ie he's a short King aka a little horn and you can see why he's not going to cry to conquer Jordan because it's already all about his royal family he doesn't need to conquer what he already has that was incredible right have you ever heard anything like this before if not definitely give me a comment Jesus is coming I'd love to hear what you have to say about it so folks that's complete what we have to talk about I definitely want to make sure you subscribe to the website please visit the website subscribe so I can keep you in the loop maybe the updates rather leading to news videos or the book of Revelation definitely make sure you subscribe to the website and if you like this video give me a thumbs up because your thumbs up shows other viewers shows that this content is reliable this content it's vetted you here the social proof that they could trust this information as being taught by the Holy Spirit and definitely leave me a comment I like to know what you're interested in now I'd like to know what your pain points are about the book of Revelation in time so I definitely want to make sure that I touch on these topics so that you can be prepared for the rapture you can be prepared and have an opportunity to increase your better your relationship with Jesus Christ because that's what it's all about folks we have to better our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ we have to be ready for word either when we go to him or when he comes to us we don't want to be left behind we don't want to be like the story the foolish virgins where they don't have light in their lamp and they end up being left out when the door is closed we want to make sure we're not unwise will it make sure we are wise so if you think you like this video - any of you know one Christian just one Christian who you love that could benefit from this send this video to them just one just find one Christian you know who could benefit from this so you can tell them as the Holy Spirit told me that I'm telling you and the Lord is telling all of us these are the end times and we need to better our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ we need to love the Savior more than love innocent and that's to take away so thank you for tuning in I got more videos coming I love to hear what you guys have to say about it remember to keep watching because Jesus is coming [Music]

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