Who is the antichrist: the top mistake about his identity. This video will show you who the antichrist will be and how scripture proves you can identify him before he is revealed. The book of revelation tells us about the antichrist, but we can see all signs pointing to Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan. So after watching this, you will be able to see the rise of the antichrist.
The Revelation Christian
There's a lot of information surrounding the topic of the antichrist. And one of the topics is nobody knows who the antichrist will be, but that is a big, big, big mistake, because I want to show you scripture that shows that we can see who the antichrist will be because he's living in the world today. And we can see him with on eyes that way, when he does come, you'll be able to be aware and know ahead of time who this person was before. Anyone else did stay tuned. You don't want to miss this.
The Revelation Christian
The Revelation Christian
Hey, thanks for tuning into rumblings, Christian I'm west Watchman Brooks, and I help Christians understand the topics surrounding the book revelation in order to grow their hearts closer to Jesus. It preparation for his return because remember, the book of revelation is the revelation of Jesus Christ. It's all about him. Now I'm gonna teach a prophecy for over seven years, and that's say on June 27, watch for Pope Francis the future prophet to meet prince hassan bin talal the future. Antichrist, because I said they got to meet before they go do their prophesied catastrophe. And based on the teaching of the holy spirit, I've said that on June 27, three months later, they met justice. The holy spirit taught. So what the holy spirit taught, I said came to pass. So you could trust the teachings of the holy spirit is here. Teaching us all today.
The Revelation Christian
That being said, I want you to be aware of the next you need to watch for which is revelation 17, 12, the rise of these 10 Kings. So watch for the next prophecy, which is queen Elizabeth to be replaced by king and queen Margaret to be replaced by king. Once these two Queens have replaced by Kings, it will then set in place the prophesied 10 king prophecy, uh, revelation 17, 12. So, so far, if you want to learn about prophecy, you wanted to grow closer to Jesus Christ. I definitely recommend that you subscribe to this channel so you can get updates. Whenever I post a new video and you want news alerts and updates, visit my website, revelation christian.com and subscribe that way. I can keep you up to date with any news alerts or things that I come across to be able to keep you informed.
The Revelation Christian
And you can also download a prophecy guide that I made for your downloadable prophecy. God, that can help track past present and future prophecies to watch for they keep you in the loop. And if you want to join me in other revelation, Christian sharing God's message to the world. Jesus is coming visit my store where I have book revelation, theme t-shirt graphics, apparel, home, wear, and accessories. So we could be part of God's work, sharing his hope to so many that need it. And that is Jesus is coming out. Definitely appreciate it. And thank you so much for your support. So let's see what the holy spirit has to teach us today. So this is something that I've come across many times in my line of work in doing this for so many years, is that over and over again, the scholars,
The Revelation Christian
The, the, the experts
The Revelation Christian
In all those in this space will say, nobody know who the antichrist will be. There's no way there no way to you can know what you could know who the antichrist is because you won't be real. There's there's no way nobody can know who the antichrist would be. They nobody knows. You don't know. Nobody knows. You know what I mean? No, it doesn't matter. There's no way for you to figure out who the antichrist would be. That is a big, big mistake. It's not based in scripture is not based in what the Lord has taught us already show it us through scripture. And this misconception that has been taught for so many generations has led us to the point that we think we are so blind by the reality and truth about this particular mistake about this particular topic of his identity, that we're really approaching this problem like this.
The Revelation Christian
We are taking our own hands and cover it on eyes only to just move them out the way and see what God has already shown us. So what I'm going to do is show you what scripture has showed us, what the holy spirit is teaching us and showing us so that you could be edified and sustained that we can know who the antichrist will be. So let's jump into scripture so you can understand who the, how the holy spirit has already taught us the truth about this question so that we can apply it to current circumstance and identifying who the antichrist will be. So first let's break this, this, this generational error that there's no way anyone could know, because if we, there's no way to get, we can't get past this, this barrier of this generational mistake of nobody knows who the antichrist will be.
The Revelation Christian
There's no way for you to believe who he will be. And then when he comes for you to be able to believe that's him when he starts fulfilling these prophecies, because again, we've been conditioned through the institutional teaching of Christianity in an eschatology discussion. The institution has taught us because clearly the holy spirit in the scriptures has that taught us this. This is an institutional regurgitated teaching that applies this mistake over this topic of his identity, the antiChrist. And people apply this saying that there's or refute what I might suggest what I'm going to show you saying. There's no way for anyone to know. So let's jump into scripture, get over this barrier. And then after that, we'll be able to see clearly who the Holy Spirit is pointing to, who the antichrists would be. So let's take a look, okay. Now let's look at this.
The Revelation Christian
This is what it really boils down to. And I've seen this so many different times. Second Thessalonians, two, one through four. Paul writes this now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him. We asked you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as from us as though the day of Christ said, come let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first in the man of sin and his reveal, the son of perdition who opposes an exhaust himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped so that he sits has God in the temple of God showing himself as God. So this is why I really want to highlight. It's all based around this. I have heard every single argument come to this verse where they tell me that there is no way for you to know who the antichrist will be because he hasn't been revealed.
The Revelation Christian
So the man of sin won't be until he is revealed, there's no way to know who he will be. And this is what the foundation of this institutional generational mistake has come from this concept that because scripture says, you won't know who he is until he's revealed. And based off that verse alone, instead of deep diving, excuse me, instead of deep diving into scripture and seeing what scripture has already showed us in context of what the scripture has said, they now say, or it's suggested. And now I'm, you know what? I don't even think it's a suggestion. This is actually I think, uh, accepted from the institution, going out to the scholars and the congregation and most of the population or the body of Christ. Most Christians believe there's no way for you to know who the antichrist will be based off this verse here, because it says you won't know who he is until he's revealed because he's until we, and once he's revealed, then you'll know.
The Revelation Christian
But there's no way for you to know. It's impossible to know. It's it's, it's, it's unfathomable. And for you to know who he is, because until he is revealed, you just won't know. So that is where we're going to crack. Let's let's take a look for what the holy spirit is all showed us about the topic of something being revealed or someone being revealed. Let's take a look. Shall we? Okay. So here we have Luke 17 verse 30. Jesus is talking and he's talking about his return. Okay. So just as Paul was just, uh, explaining the coming of Jesus, all right? Cause it says concerning the coming, let's go back here. It says, remember, this topic is about concerning the coming of the Lord. Jesus, the second coming here again, we see Jesus talking about his return again. And he goes on to say, as it was in the days of Noah.
The Revelation Christian
So it will be also in the days of this man, they eat, they drank, they married wives. They were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, as it was also in the day of the law and the days of lot that they ate, they drank, they bought and they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that lot went out of Sodom. It rained fire and brimstone from heaven and it destroyed them all even. So will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed, I'm going to repeat this again. He's talking about his return. He saying that the days of Noah will be like his return. The days of lot will be like his return. And even so these two incidents in history, his return will be like that.
The Revelation Christian
He, as he says, even so will it be like the days of no, or like the days not. It will be in the day when the son of man is revealed, did you catch this folks when the son of man is revealed? So wait, based off this and based off the tradition of this, of someone being revealed, nobody's going to know who the son, a man is until he's revealed on this day. Right? Do you see the logic here? Tradition institution, institutional teachings, generational misconceptions have taught the body of Christ. That there's no way of who the antichrist will be because per second Thessalonians, you won't know until he's revealed. So it's impossible for you to know. Based off that premise here, we have Jesus using the same example that Paul was talking about. His second coming, Jesus is talking about his second coming.
The Revelation Christian
And then the same text he's saying that his return will be like the days of light would be like the days of Noah in which the son of man will be revealed. But wait, if reveal in this, in the, in, in the instance of how the institution and how tradition is teaching us revealed means you don't know who he is. There's no way to know who he is until the son of man is revealed. So by this idea of something, someone being revealed, we shouldn't know who son of man is right. If Jesus stay in the son of man will be revealed in this particular day. And based off of this premise that the traditional teaching around the antichrist is being revealed. Nobody knows who he is because revealed means no, mine's going to know who's there. Who's no one's going to know who he is because until he revealed how in the world do we know who Jesus is?
The Revelation Christian
if this is the case, the Jesus that we know isn't really Jesus. Because based off this premise, that just traditional teaching son of man isn't known until he's revealed, but that doesn't make any sense. Applying the rule, the rule of antichrist, won't be known until he's revealed Jesus sayings. The son of man will be revealed. But based on this idea, then we shouldn't know who son a man already is, but we do. We know clearly who Jesus is. The holy spirit has given us the scriptures to know where he was from the line. The descendant. He's from the answer, his ancestors, his lineage, his birthplace. We be able to note where he was raised. We'd be able to know his life, his death, his resurrection. We have all this information to be able to tell us Jesus of Nazareth of Nazareth.
The Revelation Christian
Nazareth was, is the Messiah. And yet we're all so learning that at a certain time on a certain date, he will also be revealed. So yes, based off the scripture, not the misinterpretation, based off the scripture, the scripture use of some, one being revealed can have an application of knowing who they are prior to them being revealed and who they will be after. They're revealed because Jesus has showed us this. The holy spirit has pinned this on scripture for us to know. So we can see that prior to the son of man being revealed, know who Jesus is. We know his birthplace, his parents, his lineage, his ancestry. We know his, uh, or where he's from. We know his words. We know his deeds. We know his actions. We know his death. We know his resurrection. We have all this data prior to him being revealed, to be able to say, without a doubt, Jesus of Nazareth is was is the Messiah.
The Revelation Christian
He is the Christ. Likewise, he's going to return, or he's going to be revealed in which we will then know him again as the son of man. So based off what we see with scriptures, we clearly can see that yes can know who someone is prior to the revealing and who they are after the revealing. And that's why a lot of Christians like, uh, scholars, leaders, and such had this misconception about this one burst when it comes to second Thessalonians and that there's no way. There's no way anyone going to who's going to revealed because you won't know until he's revealed yet. Jesus said himself that the son of man will be revealed on a certain day, but we already know who he is so we can know who a person is prior to them being revealed. Because remember folks, it's, it's the holy spirit.
The Revelation Christian
That's dictating this. If Jesus is by the, by the inspiration of the holy spirit, the holy spirit is authoring scripture. But giving us the context of reveal, if Jesus is the one who's doing, who's speaking and he's setting the premise, he's setting the standard that he's going to be revealed as the son of man. But he's also giving us the understanding that you can know who he is prior to the revealing. So if the holy spirit is setting the standard, you can't have that same application, go to the antichrist and then manipulate and say no, but you won't know who he is prior to the revealing. So for Jesus, you can know who he is prior to the revealing and then know who he is after revealing. But for the antichrist, you can't know who he is prior to the revealing. Only afterwards, it doesn't make any sense.
The Revelation Christian
It's not consistent. Therefore it's not true. So this is what we're learning. Altogether. Summary reveal means a global like Explo exposure, global public exposure. So in Luke Jesus talking about when he returns, when he's revealed, he been revealed as the son of man, the whole planet will know who he is. He is revealed to the planet, a global public exposure. Likewise, the man, his sin, when he will be revealed, he will be revealed globally. It would be a global public ex exposure when he is revealed. But prior to that, we can know who he is prior to this revelation, just like here, we know who Jesus is prior to his revelation. And that's how we be able to see who the antichrist will be. Prior to him being revealed. Jesus has sent us the standard. He has given us the example. We know his lineage, heritage and background ancestry, his ethnicity, his country of origin, his works, his deeds, his words, we life death resurrection.
The Revelation Christian
We have all this prior to him being revealed. That gives us the understanding. Likewise, what the antiChrist will be able to know his Linnaeus, his ancestry, his ethnicity, his country of origin, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Prior to him being revealed. This is because remember folks, Jesus is the one who set the standard. And when he says, son of man is to be revealed. So in that context, as the holy spirit is dictating, revealed, as it applies to Jesus, and it goes for the anti-Christ that same standard applies. We can't then have scholars, theologian institution, through tradition, manipulate it and say that it's impossible to know because Jesus has taught us otherwise. But that being said, that's why we need to look at prince Hassan bin Talal of Jordan. The future to antiChrist. This is the one who the holy spirit is pointing to as who will be the future Christ.
The Revelation Christian
He is the one that we could see living today. He is the one that we could see his works, his deeds, his ancestry, his ethnicity, his country of origin. He is the one that we can look at his, works his life, and be able to understand, understand that the holy spirit is pointing to him as the one who will be the future antichrists prior to him being quote revealed. So just as we know who Jesus was prior to him being revealed as the son of man over the, for the entire planet to see likewise, we can see who the future as her carts would be prior to him being exposed to for the entire planet to see that's why folks, I made a playlist about prince hassan bin talal. I've been to love Jordan for you to learn about him, his history, his accessory, his lineage, his heritage, his works, his words, all the things that God has pointed to just like a God pointed to Jesus as the one who is the son of God, who is the Messiah, the Christ.
The Revelation Christian
You will see that how the holy spirit is pointing to this man as the one who will be the future antiChrist prior to him being revealed. Definitely check out the playlist. I'll put a link below where you see the card pop up, but definitely watch the playlist. It'll help you out a lot. I hope this was very helpful to you guys. I really love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below also like this video so that other Christians be able to see this is a very edifying benefit vision video for them. It definitely makes sure you share and subscribe. Thank you so much for watching. Don't lose hope folks. Cause remember Jesus is coming.