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The Revelation  Watchman

Where Is The Antichrist In The OT: Book Of Isaiah - Prince Hassan Bin Talal, The 2nd Assyrian

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

The Antichrist in the Old Testament, in the Book of Isaiah, went by a different name and characterized by a specific person-The Assyrian King Antiochus Ephines IV during 167BC - 166BC. What Antochus Ephines did in the past in Jerusalem foreshadows what Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan will do in Jerusalem in the future

hey there I'm so glad God led you here by this holy spirit that I serve Jesus by serving you oh my goodness crab season is here in the Maryland DC Virginia area and I'm trying to lose weight before the summer but I love eating blue shell crabs and I just don't know what I'm going to do do you guys have that same problem where you're like trying to lose weight but it's a certain season of your favorite food coming and you're trying to lose the weight at the same time so I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do I probably have it once and then we're probably in the year you know maybe I have it twice maybe maybe the beginning summer maybe in the summer I don't know I'm West watch from Broxton welcome to the revelation Christian YouTube channel and I'm here to help Christians like you understand the book of Revelation and prepare them for Jesus second coming because on many occasions Jesus tells us we need to watch watch watch the signs leading to his return but many Christians today just don't know what to watch for as it was getting more evil getting more sinful and getting more unjust a lot of believers just in churches and pastors included just don't know what to watch for and that's why God called me to this service to serve you well you all want to know what makes me so different what makes me unique with my credibility well the scripture says that when the word of the Prophet comes to pass that one should be known whom the Lord has sent and that's Jeremiah 28 9 and here's this situation on one occasion where we have the Lord taught me this he'll teach you how Pope Francis will meet princess on Binta law absord in' and that when they meet that would be the precursor leading to the first seal I said that on June 27th and it came to pass - September 4th so what the Lord taught I share came to pass so the Lord by definition saying you should know that this is the message the Lord has sent I want to give a special thanks to the revelation Krays to the community who help support this channel the service this work for Jesus your contribution your financial support definitely helps every little bit helps I just want to honor you a wreck you for your contribution to supporting me what I do for the Lord Jesus for the body of Christ thank you so much I really do appreciate you guys and if you find this information useful valuable and able to grow and have Jesus increase in your heart and you want to contribute find all the details in the description below you could support this content through apparel or through donation or through a monthly subscription in either case when you do so I'll honor you as well on the channel and I will definitely make sure that you are recognized and honored within the body of Christ and all the viewers that check this video out and I just want to thank you that's one way to throw on thanks to you and being able to support and believe and what the Lord has tasked my heart to do for the body of Christ so that would be for you if you decide to be moved with the heart it'd be a cheerful Giver as Laura loves cheerful giver I love what you forgive her so thank you very much if you decide to contribute the topic today will be as where's the Antichrist mentioned in the Old Testament specifically the Book of Isaiah so the Bible talks about the Antichrist in the New Testament specifically the book of John talks about John the Apostle in his epistles he speaks about the Antichrist it talks about Antichrist followers of him and then there is the Antichrist so what you find here is that this particular individual is also mentioned in the Old Testament if you consider that the Old Testament doesn't really say the word Antichrist that is a term that was developed in the era of the Greek and the Roman Empire during that time period where John comes up with this anti Cristo Antichrist terminology but in the Old Testament he's mentioned but by a different name and almost kind of like if you would suggest or consider how the New Testament doesn't have the term born again you don't hear that term being born again in the Old Testament you only hear that in the New Testament being born again and that's why if you consider like when Jesus met Nicodemus and he's told him it you have to be born again that was such a crazy turn never heard it before that he had to say like I go to my mother's womb but yet it was God's whole plan from the beginning even though it might have been show differently in the Old Testament so in the Old Testament there is a different word of this character that's gonna do what the Antichrist mentioned in the New Testament will do and I just want to go over that in the Book of Isaiah so let's check out the book Isaiah and we're gonna see what we're going to what we're gonna see what the Lord says about the things he's gonna do as described by the prophet Isaiah now one thing to consider is that when you read about the rethus you'll see that the Lord is talking to Israel he's speaking to Israel about something that's going to happen in the days of Isaiah you Isaiah the prophet you had King Hezekiah at the time ruling so he's talking about what he's going to what's gonna happen to Israel in a future tense so what we're about to see here is that prophet Isaiah speaking to the nobles the princes the kings of Israel and he's talking about what's gonna happen in their future by this character this individual so that and now when I speak at this individual you'll notice that everything happens in Jews what as the scripture says what has been done will be done there's nothing new Under the Sun what will be will be so when you see as the Lord talks about what happened then will happen again this is the same individual we're gonna talk about so let's take a look at it but a Syrian Lord caused the Antichrist or the character of the Antichrist of an individual known as be a Syrian and again this is about 700 years if it Jesus was born here 0 700 years before Jesus was born this is when prophet Isaiah existed talking about how the Assyrian was gonna come into Israel so that's where I want you to get the timeline down so let's take a look at what Isaiah had to say about it therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts all my people who dwell in Zion Israel Jerusalem do not be afraid of dear Syrian he shall strike to you with a rod and lift up his staff against you in the manner of Egypt so we see that Isaiah is prophesying about this individual call the Assyrian now the Assyrian will be someone from Syria which is north of Israel and this individual is is being spoken by the Prophet talking about how he's going to go into Sion drew Israel and just hit them with such a below that God singing don't be afraid of him because he's gonna come and hit him with a with a rod of iron in the matter of Egypt so the Syrian prince or King will go and decimate Jerusalem Israel and in the manner which he did with Egypt so that is what the Lord God is trying to explain to Jerusalem and explain to Israel is that this this a Syrian character so now we see that this individual who's gonna come later on in time it's called the Assyrian he's a king and he's going to do to them what he's already did to that in what he already did to Egypt so we see the connection there okay what he did to what he's gonna do to Jerusalem he already has done to Egypt so we're looking for someone from Syria who's kind of wiped out and destroyed and attacked Egypt and wants to do the same to Jerusalem that's the characteristic of the Assyrian alright let's keep going so also it's also something to know it says they and he will strike them with a rod so he has something with him that gives him the power to attack Jerusalem he will strike them with a rod he's not just gonna attack them he's going to have something with him that he's gonna use to attack Israel to attack Jerusalem and that is something to pay very close attention to this is a king from Syria who will attack Jerusalem in the manner in which he did Egypt using something else as a means to attack them and we also have Isaiah chapter 14 verse 25 then I will break the Assyrian in my land and on my mountains Trent him underfoot then his yoke shall be removed from them and his burdened removed from their shoulders so a couple things to break down here we see that the Lord of God is telling that this Assyrian King again he's now in there in God's land in Israel Jerusalem okay and that God is going to trample him underfoot I mean he's gonna be crushed every time he hear the terminology when it talks about his high heel or and then he put his heel against me talking about crushing that's what I mean this means that he's gonna be crushed it's gonna be destroyed so he says that God's gonna intervene and he's gonna be crushed and then doing so he would remove their yoke and remember the yoke is the kind of tool that was used when you were farming and you have to cattles that's that's plowing in the field it was the bar that went across their neck that would keep them in line walking together and they were cut trenches and cultivate the soil as their as their planting they're their seeds and sowing and you needed the cattle in order to do that they would be yoked together that's why the scripture does what don't be unequally yoked because if you were unable one animals a bigger animals unequally yoked to a little animal the bigger atom could break the other ones neck so that's what is it don't be unequally yoked and in this case this Assyrian placed a yoke of burdens on the shoulders and the next of Israel Jerusalem and God saying he's going to intervene and it's going to remove that from them but case in point you see again we have this Assyrian in the land of Jerusalem that God is going to intervene and remove him so that he removed the burdens from Israel so we see this intervention with God from this person who's called the Assyrian who's a king of Syria who also attacked Egypt Egypt in him or not are at odds at one another so I just want to bring these points so you can keep this in the forefront of mind and we have Isaiah 19 verse 23 in that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and Assyria will come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria and Egyptians was served with the Assyrians Isaiah 52 for for thus says the Lord God my people went down at first into Egypt to dwell there then the Syrian oppressed them without a cause we see the Lord is talking about this prophetic character called the Assyrian who's going to oppress Israel while being allies with Egypt but this this character is going to oppress them without a cause so we're seeing that God is telling us prophetically about an individual called the Assyrian who will be a king of Syria who will be at odds with Egypt but yet Israel will be allies with Egypt yet at odds with the Syrians and the Assyrian will have a means of military power it's separate means of military power to attack Egypt in Jerusalem in the manner what you did with Egypt and oppressing Israel and God will intervene which will destroy the Assyrian removing the yoke from Israel and what he's doing to oppress them this intervention of God so we see that this is what prophetically Isaiah is talking about that will happen later on but I want you also note that things happen in twos with descriptions of what will be will be what has been has been there's nothing new Under the Sun this is really talking about the king of Syria at the time called Antiochus Epiphanes the fourth which again here we have Jesus being born 700 years before that you have the Book of Isaiah or the prophet Isaiah existing so we have 700 BC and then around 166 167 that's where you have Antiochus Epiphanes the fourth who then gets this power who wants to fight and go to war with Egypt but then he gets stopped and as the military might that he gets they trying to fight Egypt which is then prevented he then turns to Israel goes to Israel wipes out Israel killed so many individuals like millions of Jews in Israel oppresses them and then he takes a pig goes into the temple that altar kills a pig there defiling it he puts bodies and corpses in the temple I mean a horrific reign of terror then he goes back to Syria and Whitin in Antioch which is named after him and his royal family and he leaves soldiers there this has killed more Jews it was just totally terrifying during the time of Antiochus Epiphanes the fourth who committed all that massive terror and killing of that time period so this is what the book of Isaiah the prophet Isaiah was talking about however but then the Lord tells us what will be will be what has been has been there's nothing new Under the Sun so they're always seeing what you saw in the past is gonna happen again and what Jesus talked about in the Book of Daniel was the abomination of desolation so when Jesus was talking about this this death disobey mination that's going to be put in temple you go back to this incident you see what Antiochus Epiphanes did then is a precursor and a foreshadow what the Antichrist would do later so there's a lot of historical points to note when it comes to Antiochus Epiphanes in the nineteen in this and the 164 165 166 year BC of his terror in Israel that the Antichrist will likewise do so that's why you see a comparison between the Assyrian and the Antichrist because the Assyrian also known as Antiochus Epiphanes the 4th Jesus later says watch out for this when you see the abomination of desolation run which mind you when Jesus spoke this this stuff has already happened so he's saying abomination of desolation which is a reference to what Antiochus Epiphanes did is a fortunate about what the Antichrist will do so just want to let you see this that you can understand that when you reading about the Antichrist Orion more in particular about the Assyrian you're reading about either Antiochus Epiphanes campaign of terror and a foreshadow of what the future Antichrist will do and it's my belief that everything that the Scriptures is leading me to believe and understand and that has been confirmed by God is that the man who will play out this role who will fulfill this role in the future will be Prince the son Ben Jalal of Jordan Vince princess on bin Talal of Jordan will be the one that will later fulfill all of this as explained by the prophet Isaiah also about a prophet Daniel and by Jesus that this campaign that he will lead in Israel as mentioned in the seals who will be conquering the conquer and we Prince along princess on Ben Salah so of Jordan and so as you continue to watch my videos you understand in that princess unbent ilallah Jordan is the one that the Lord has confirmed with me and understanding that he is the one that will fulfill the role of the Assyrian in the future princess unbent slaw will be the one who will be the Assyrian as mentioned by the prophet Isaiah there will be so many parallels and similarities between what Antiochus Epiphanes did and what princess unbent Allah will do so they want you to understand to watch princess on bits a lot more videos gonna come out to link everything to him so you can understand but I just want to put it out there so that we're all on the same page and things will just click click click click click and you'll know that the Lord's lessons and teaching is here for you hey there if you like this video and you like this information I really hope that you got a chance to subscribe to the website visit the website make sure you subscribe that way I could keep you too Luke give you newsletters what's going on monthly reports and updates to keep you involved this case you're busy make sure you visit the website and subscribe and also if you want to reach out to me you have a question about a video that you saw please hit me up I definitely want to communicate with you and keep in touch with you comment and reply so that we're at ball engage we're one 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heard this before so now that we have touched that subject definitely thank you so much for coming here I loved being able to serve Jesus by serving you you guys are awesome and I can't wait for you to watch the next video I hope this serves me well take care guys love you all and remember to watch because Jesus is coming

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