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The Revelation  Watchman

Writer's pictureWest "Watchman" Brooks

THE ANTICHRIST IS HERE - Rise Of Prince Hassan Bin Talal - Antichrist Series Vol 1

Who is the Antichrist is a popular question. However, another question to ask is how will God show the Antichrist, Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan? Well God has done that already. In the scriptures, Judas was the 1st Antichrist, called "the son of perdition". Seeing how God reveal Judas, the 1st Antichrist, will teach us how God will reveal the 2nd Antichrist, Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan.

welcome to the Prince of Sodom into la Antichrist series in this video we're going to discuss the origin of the man of sin all throughout the internet you find so many videos on this topic of the Antichrist but this channel here according to the teachings on Holy Spirit you're gonna find with specificity details reviews analysis and scriptural reference point to who the man is sin really is in which you'll come to find out is princess on bin talal of Jordan and after watching this video you're gonna understanding about princess unbent a lot of Jordan you wanna learn about his origin his lineage his ancestry building the foundation that we're going to use to build upon on this series so you're gonna be fully under full II aware of who he is and who God is showing us who he will become now Weiss watch from Brooks through the revelation Christian calm and I hope Christians understand the book of Revelation and to prepare them for Jesus second coming the rapture is when the dead in Christ will rise and the we will join them and meet him in the cloud so far several offenses that I said the watch for according to the teaching the Holy Spirit has been confirmed or has come to pass as the Lord has said when the Prophet is when the word of the province comes to pass that one will be known as one who the Lord has sent and here you can see and which I said watch for the Pope and Prince Hassan bin Talal to meet in June 2014 three months later they met September 2014 according to the teacher in the Holy Spirit it came to pass just as Lord has said so you can see the Holy Spirit is here with this channel for our edification and you find after watching this video you are edified your comfort and your exhort the Lord and your heart draws closer to Jesus Christ definitely visit the website and subscribe visit the website so that way you keep updated on news alerts events revelation events and other videos that are my post or if you want to just get engaged with the community of revelation Christians all discussing topics leading to Jesus second coming definitely subscribe to the website and also if you want to support this channel financially I have a podcast where I give weekly or daily information of repenting to news as relates to the book of Revelation Pope Francis Prince a son and all these other things that way I could keep you in the loop on a daily basis so definitely check that out financially helps me and I'm late in able Z to support what I love doing to keep you consistent content so definitely check that out well really appreciate that so let's see what the Holy Spirit has to teach us today bassam's you talked about the Pope we talked about the ten Kings we're gonna shift gears to Pope Francis know who has shift gear it's a princess unbent a lot of Jordan we're now gonna look at him we're gonna look at him with a laser focused deep dive type of point of view in fact I believe my channel is the only channel that actually does that all other channels when it comes to this topic keeps it very vague keeps it very convoluted very general in terms of in terms of how they're giving information a lot of regurgitated contemporary info that's been regurgitated year after year of the year but my channel I believe God has allowed me to be able to give with specificity who this manis in really is because contemporary Christianity today honestly only thinks that this guy is some mysterious figures just gonna pop out of nowhere no one's gonna know who he is and it's just some vague person that no one ever have included who he is and won't even have any hint of who he is that's not true and i'ma show you in just a second how scriptures gonna prove that okay so what we're gonna do right now is first we need to start with Jesus because I've got to start with Jesus we don't start with Jesus we can't even finish anywhere it begins with him the ends with him let's go first to what the Lord has shown us already about this top bit and that is the son of perdition if you go to John chapter 17 verse 12 what you'll find is Jesus calls Judas the son of perdition in addition to Jesus calling Judas the son of perdition look what Paul writes that Thessalonians when he writes the Thessalonians he says on the topic of the Antichrist let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the following when it comes first and the man of sin is revealed Madison we know as to be dancin Christ and guess what he has another title besides Madison called son of perdition so what the Holy Spirit is teaching us here is that there is a correlation between Judas being the first son of perdition and Antichrist being the second son of perdition both of them have correlations to each other the Holy Spirit wants us to learn that what we find in Judas who was the first son of perdition will teach us lessons that we'll find in the second son of perdition princess son been slaughtered so that is what the Holy Spirit is teaching us it's not just for any reason he just for no reason and pull it out of thin air to give us this title son of perdition for only two people in history of which Satan himself possessed remember Satan possessed Judas and Satan will possess the Antichrist princes on been slaughtered Jordan that hasn't happened yet but it will in which both of these two men Hussein himself possessed carry the title son of perdition now let's look at the scripture here now this is so important to understand because we don't really grasp what the Holy Spirit is teaching us here you will not see what the Lord is showing us today the Lord showed didn't say who the first son of perdition was and will also show not say who this second son of perdition will be in John chapter 13 verse 21 to 27 listen to this this is the last supper folks when he's with his disciples when Jesus had said these things he was troubled in the spirit and testified and said most assuredly I say to you one of you will betray me stop right there so how many times in the gospel if you read the gospel all of them you'll find over and over and over and over and over again Jesus says when are you gonna betray me what are you gonna training wanting going to Train won a Mamba training what are you gonna betray me what are you gonna betray me when are you gonna betray me when are you gonna betray me over and over and over and over again he says honey you gonna betray me and when he does that he's saying about the son of perdition that one will betray him even calls him the devil so Jesus is verbally saying one of you are not mine one of you betray me one demo and he's these verbally calling it out now comes the moment where he is about to show who it is he won't say who it is he's about to show who it is and the reason why unless first finish description let's first finish it and then we're going to the reason why then the disciples looked at one another perplexed about whom he spoke now there was leaning on Jesus bosom one of the types of Jesus love this is John the disciple this is the disciple John and Simon Peter therefore motioned to him an axe who is it of whom he spoke so giving you a visual of what it is you have Jesus and the disciples of the Last Supper there at this table Jesus sitting in the center ok now you have Jesus saying 1 you won't betray me again he's just calling and out saying one even betrayed me and so John who sitting next to him and Peter sitting across from him says says Peter says John hey axe axe who is it who who's caught between acts of man XD I'm not gonna you axe the Lord who was gonna betray me so then John leads John the disciple leans into him and then it goes on where we're about to finish we verse 25 then leaning back on Jesus breast he said some Lord who is it jesus answered it is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it and having dip the bread he gave it to Judas Iscariot the son of Simon now after the piece of bread Satan entered him and Jude then jesus said to him what you do do quickly now mind you Jesus is about to reveal the son of perdition here he's about to reveal it and how does he do it he doesn't go oh it's this guy right here him him Judas Judas is Gary this is the guy he does not do that let's see again what does Jesus do to show not say to show who the son of perdition is the first one let's look again jesus answered it is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it and having dipped the bread he gave it to Judas Iscariot son of Simon after pieces of bread Satan entered him so do you see what Jesus did he gave his word to his disciples his followers he gave his word right then after the word he showed it by giving Judas Iscariot the piece of bread and then which Satan entered him so the weight of the Lord revealed the first son of perdition was by giving us his word ie the Scriptures the book of Revelation then he then showed it Jesus gave the bread and then he showed who it was but you know the you know it's it would be just just like just like so many believers of today they still couldn't figure out who it was it's like man I get because you finished reading the chapter it say the disciples thought he had to go Judas left to go deal with the Treasury deal with some money issues cuz he handle the purse so it was like I got juice is gonna hand Jesus just scared I'm gonna tell you what it is it's the dude I give the piece of bread to you what I give to be sprayed dude that's dude that's the guy that's the guy they like and the dude and disciples like hmm and Judas is probably gonna take care of the Treasury he's probably got some money things to kind of get kind of balance the books hey you know I'm just like if I was there like Peter Peter the Lord you say who we gives the brain to is who the man of sin is it's it's who's the devil who's gonna betray him and Peter's brains beat her John's like oh that West that dead watchman West sounds so crazy he's just going to deal with them he's probably gonna break a dollar but we're gonna bring some chain break of ten and get someone's what are you talking about so Lloyd who will betray you just like oh it's just like how today's time is the Lord has given us his word in the scriptures in the book of Revelation he's told us who the man is and what he will do is giving us the word and then what the whole in the and in the place of Jesus is the Holy Spirit so if Christ Jesus showed who the first son of perdition is and Jesus dies to resurrect goes to heaven when the Holy Spirit comes down and takes his place likewise the Holy Spirit will also show who the second son of perdition is he's driving up aged or undermined what Jesus did as Jesus showed the first son of perdition the Holy Spirit will show who the first the second son of perdition is so I hope you guys really really like this if you did twelve definitely give me a thumbs up because you're the social proof to these videos show those the masses and show those who visit this channel instead watch this video that this is the real deal now this is this is legitimate and if you also leave me a comment below I would love to know what you think about I love to know your thoughts on me so definitely me a comment below and let me know how this is edifying your heart how this is growing you closer to Jesus Christ so this is something that you've just never heard before and I'd love to hear your feedback and lastly because churches don't talk about this pastors don't talk about this this is not on Christian media sinister one Christian one Christian you know who has not heard this information before just one and they can even doubt but here's the thing when this man comes on the scene you'll be able to say Holy Spirit told you so Holy Spirit told yourself just like Jesus at this last opportunity is this guy I'm gonna give the bread to do who's who's the who's gonna do betray me I don't know what else I need to say but besides that send it to one Christian or one Christian you know that way we can get the word out so we're all doing our part one plants one other word borders but God gives the growth amen Bob thank you for watching I love doing this I love serving Jesus by serving you and remember to watch because Jesus is coming [Music]

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