The antichrist is here the truth will shock you. Now do we know where is the antichrist? Or if the antichrist will start the new world, new world order or one world government? Before we know that we need to know who the antichrist is. See the antichrist agenda, antichrist is in bible prophecy and the book of revelation. You might think the Pope is the Antichrist, or Donald Trump is the Antichrist, but after seeing this, the truth will shock you.
[Music] hey i'm wes watching brooks i help christians understand the topics around the book of revelation and i show detail and specific signs and prophetic events pointing to jesus second coming now remember to subscribe if you want to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the book of revelation and end time events in prophecy and so that you can also stay up to date with events leading to jesus second coming join me so we can share god's hope and truth to a dark and hopeless world and that is jesus is coming now as for me i've been doing this for a couple years and had the opportunity to be flown out of state and give live presentations about these topics and what the holy spirit taught that i posted on youtube saying a prophetic event to watch for later came to pass three months after i posted on youtube so that you can know that these are the teachings of the holy spirit and we are all students of the holy spirit learning from him so i'm glad that you're here and since we're all students of the holy spirit let's see what the holy spirit has to teach us today now if you hadn't had a chance to watch the previous uh part one to this series answer questions in this flattery definitely recommend you watch the first one so that we can it can lead you into the second one because it's a four part series in this answer christ series that i'm creating so definitely watch the first one and now we're going to go into the second one pick up where we left off talking about his flattery let's begin now we're going to pick up where we left off last time or again we talked about the antichrist in this flattery we see in daniel 11 it says that those who do wickedly against the covenant the ten commandments that of god he antichrist shall corrupt with flattery so it says the antichrist will corrupt the world or those how he's going to corrupt he's going to corrupt using flattery and it's going to specifically target those who do against the covenant who are wicked against covenant who do not want to follow god's ways and his commandments so he's going to easily trick these people by using flattery and when we look at the greek term of what flattery is it means smoothness or fine promises smoothness or fine promises so basically things that people want to hear the fine promises your health wealth prosperity the fine promise you'll receive this you'll receive that just things that are so soothing to the ears this is how he will flatter the world he would tell the world the most eloquent promises and things that sound so good to hear it'll be so easy to will deceive them this is the flatter the scripture is talking about now we're looking at prince hasan bentalol of jordan and he is the guy who wants to bring peace water and interfaith dialogue to the world and if you go to his website you'll see that these are his four pillars human dignity in the arab world water energy and environment regional cooperation and interfaith solidarity so this is what we're going to look at today will be the water energy and the human environment part one discuss the human dignity in the arab world and now part two we're talking about water energy in the human environment so what does that mean he's talking about he wants to improve human living search situations and surroundings with massive billion dollar investments that's what he's talking about in terms of with respect to water energy in the human environment now when we look to what he's talking about specifically let's watch this interview and then we'll comment on his remarks about his ambition how is this still the situation in 2013 the correlation is always between building shopping malls making money on new investments hosting the next olympic games or whatever it may be but nobody is focusing on the human face of misery today water is one of those challenges food security of course is another challenge but everything is interrelated humans have simply not taken home the context of the physical environment being also the human environment so everyone talking about the gdp deficit but what about the human dignity deficit so i think that the time has come to recognize that we simply have to manage our destiny and in particular in terms of future generations this is not about me i'm not important it's about the the kids and their kids so in this remarks you see that he's talking about advocating for improving the human circumstances and situation around those who are living in environments where water is the problem providing clean water is a problem sanitation is a problem and yes that is a problem that is in the world but he's talking about the one who wants to advocate and be the one that will be the savior to be right water and to improve the living circumstances to these individuals as he talks about how everyone's worried about capitalism or worrying about return on investments and profit which is true but this is what he's saying that if you just give me the money if you would just give me back my vision and with the money that i'm looking for i can help improve this situation help improve these circumstances while also saying it's not about me no no no no i'm not important who am i i'm just i'm just a guy who has all these honors knows the world who has who's been passed over for a crown who should have been king but not king and now i'm and i'm not just i'm just trying to save the world but i'm not important believe me this is that flattery we're talking about this is the things you would totally agree upon but remember what scripture is showing us based on what he is saying we see that there's an egypt a different agenda and a different outcome that's going to come from this based off the flattery he's telling the world but let's continue so let's see what else he has to say on this topic of the human environment but in terms of access to clean water and sanitation what will be the measurement that you know you've succeeded in what you set out to do i think that we will know that there is progress when the who says 530 billion dollars by 2015 or over the next decade for water and sanitation as compared with trillions that spent on the military-industrial complex success would be to address in human terms the reality that no water table is going to be unpolluted by 2030. if by 2015 where we've taken a grip on a human knowledge base an economic knowledge base and a physical knowledge base of where exactly these people are what they need to be enabled and how much money is required then maybe we can feel that we have arrived at a template of success [Music] so as princess i was speaking about what he wants to do he wants the who to be able to invest 530 billion dollars to help improve this now folks this is the deceptive part of all of this is as you saw the footage that was being shown there you'll see how people in these villages were just giving a ho in order to fix the sanitation issue a hole is done on the ground pvc pipes are connected with the with a makeshift door bathroom and boom there you go there's your bathroom when you have folks who in other parts of the villages where you saw water just coming out of its spicket and and you see that how they were just washing their hands out of bucket it just astounds me the amount of money this world has the amount of wealth that's just been consolidated and this is the best the world can do to help the world and that's because satan rules this world folks satan rules this world even at its best even at the greatest that the world comes together and does it's still ruled by satan satan rules his world he has no compassion for mankind he has no empathy for mankind no sympathy for mankind he does not care about mankind he wants mankind destroyed because we are in the image of god so when you see that this world is ruled by satan and you see how the world's wealth is consolidating you hear how princess son bentilla wants to improve the world with 530 billion dollars make no mistake that what we see scripture tell us and what the scripture tells us what he's going to do that will not happen the world will not just wake up one day and solve the sanitation human environment issues that's plaguing so many people across the planet that is not going to happen and i'm going to show you already that we already see this pattern and the world doesn't doesn't change so let's take a look at that let's take a look at this article here in 2019 abc reported that nearly half of the world's entire wealth is in the hands of millionaires the half the world's wealth folks is in the hands of millionaires so let's just take this out here so we see that this data that's providing unsafe water and attracts unsafe water and with respect to deaths and we see that in the world from 20 1990 to 2017 there's been 2.1 million people from then until 2017 2.1 million people who died from unsafe water now we see this over this 26 26 year period it's still been in the millions of people drinking unsafe water and dying even though we see that half the world's wealth is in the hands of millionaires so let's look at this real quick to really visualize how the trend is showing us the world's population 7.7.6 billion in since 2018 let's give this reflection this bar here an equivalent of 306 trillion so we see that the world's population is 7.6 billion which reflects 360 trillion dollars and we see a half of that population 3.8 billion and half of that wealth 180 trillion so we see that this represents half of the world's population half the world's wealth we found in that article 46 million millionaires have half of the world's wealth 158 trillion dollars so 46 millionaires million millionaires have this much money this few amount of people have this much wealth and the article tells us 1.2 million people died from unclean water so there's been this few people since 1990 to 2017 we find that this many people are dying from unclean drinking water and yet until 2019 we find that 46 million millionaires have this much money and you mean to tell me that it's um it's it's impossible for them to contribute to help the world of course it's not impossible they're just keeping everything folks this is the nature of the world this is what satan puts in the heart of those who follow the world to keep for yourself so that's why we see that this if princess son bin salah gets what he wants 530 billion for his ambition to solve the world's problems believe me or believe what you're seeing already with regards to human nature it won't happen but yeah you'd be the richest man in the world up there with bezos or probably more so what did jesus tell us about rich he said below to those who are rich for you receive your consolation then it says in revelation because you say i am rich i become wealthy and have needed nothing you do not know that you are wretched miserable poor blind and naked this is how god views the rich this when they have a heart where they feel they don't need nothing they're wretched miserable poor blind and naked and they have they're the first ones now but they'll be the last ones later you see so we see that this is the trick of the world or satan rather to make them rich even jesus was tempted by satan to give him earthly riches now the what the holy spirit is teaching you helping you grow in your knowledge understanding of the book of revelation princess son bin salah the answer price etc definitely i would love to hear about it but leave a comment below or leave a question below i love to discuss what you have on your mind about what we're talking about nonetheless if you're just excited about seeing jesus coming with the holy spirit showing you then put in the comments below jesus is coming i would love to see that too this is what's so astounding about this and we're going to now see how the words of judas compares to prince hassan bin salah first of all in the scriptures judas is called the center perdition okay this is a title that is given to judas title means the son of darkness so we see that the son of perdition title was given to judas but then we see that in the antichrist it's also given the same title it says antichrist is called center petition ii thessalonians so we see that the only two individuals in the bible in human history who have this title son of addition is judas and the future antichrist so the takeaway is the lord wants us to learn about judas to understand the antichrist that's the takeaway here learning more about judas helps us understand about him and that's what we're going to see in just a moment when you take judas's mark remarks in the book in the scriptures he says this in mark he says why was the fragrant oil wasted for it may have been sold for more than 300 denarii and given to the poor and what we're going to do is look at the scriptures we're going to listen to what scripture says that judas himself said and mirror that to princess son ben to law and see how they both coincide with each other see how they both parallel one another it's really astounding when you see that but again because again remember the scriptures tell what the lord is teaching us here is learn from judas you learn about the answer christ learn about the first son of edition you learn about the second son of edition so let's check this out mark 14 verse 5 why was this fragrant oil wasted for it might have been given for or might have been sold for more than 300 denarii and give it to the poor and why was this fragrant oil not sold for 300 nauri and give it to the poor so we see that judas here is advocating for we should have sold this money and given this money we give this to the poor we should have sold this got the money somebody give it to the poor so you see how he's advocating for the poor he's he's he's um advocating for the interests of the poor now at the same time let's see what princess son benzela just said because of the human face of it because children all over the world are not going to realize their potential boys and girls unless they have a chance of making it beyond the age of five millions of children are dying as a result of cholera typhoid all sorts of diseases are directly linked to um so you see how he's advocating for the children and speaking for the children they don't have a chance we need to make sure we help the children just like how prince uh how judas was saying we need to sell this for the poor do this for the poor so you see that that that humanitarianism coming out and compassion for the the poor the children the disenfranchised you see the parallels there but let's look at another uh instance where judas was speaking so now in john 13 we see this jesus answered and said it is he to whom i shall give a piece of bread when he have dipped it and having dipped the bread he gave it to judas iscariot the son of simon now after the piece of bread satan entered him that satan only entered two people in human history judas and the antichrist and then jesus says to him what you do do quickly but no one at the table knew what reason he said to this to him for some thought because judas had the money box that jesus had said to him by those things we need for the feasts or that he should give something to the poor and let's hear what princess son bin salah says as a parallels this i think that we will know that there is progress when the who says 530 billion dollars by 2015 over the next decade for water and sanitation as compared with trillions spent on the military industrial complex success would be to address in human terms the reality that no water table is going to be unpolluted by 2030 if by 2015 we have at least taken a grip on a human knowledge base an economic knowledge base and a physical knowledge base of where exactly these people are what they need to be enabled and how much money is required then maybe we can feel that we have arrived at a template of success so you see he's talking about that money we can invest and know where they are we can see what they need we can make sure that lives are improved with the 530 billion dollars from who we could just make so many improvements to the world and you see here with what he's saying this flattery that is projecting himself as to be the savior of the world to be this person that's going to save the world from the world's problems and the disenfranchised those who are poor and needy at the same time the disciples were so tricked by judas's flattery because with judas is flattering when jesus said to him do do what you're going to do do quickly the disciples were so bought the disciple was so sold on this flattering that they thought oh he's going to buy stuff for the feast oh no he's going to help the poor they had no clue that he was the snake and the one that satan would possess to go portray jesus with 30 pieces of silver that he was he had sold his flattery to the disciples so much even though jesus said why are you going to betray me when he was the devil he would the disciples with whis judas the disciples heard judas john the disciples ate with judas he was visible one some clandestine hidden figure that no one's seen before i just came out of nowhere it was the son of addition which most people think that ancient christ's going to do because it's going to pop up out of nowhere no god is showing us with the first one of edition it will be like the second set of edition but at the same time you can see how he was deceiving the disciples likewise we could see how princess son bentallah is deceiving the world rejecting this heart and protect protecting this image of humanitarianism advocating that if you give him money i don't know what to do with it just like judas said you know give me the money i don't know what to do with it but really we know exactly how his heart was he was selfish and he want to keep it for himself so now folks you see how princess i've been to love his flattery mirrors that of judas you see how his flattery is can easily be used to deceive the world because the thing sounds so smooth as scripture tells us the translation has five promises and i hope that you have a greater understanding and you see more clearly than you did before and understanding more about the book of revelation and the one who the scriptures who i believe is pointing to the one who will be the future antichrist so if you find this video helped increase your knowledge understanding and clarity with respect to the book of revelation and science leading to jesus second coming where you can even share this with others then have some more things for you that i believe will be able to help you and your growth visit my website and subscribe that way you can stay informed and updated on news events and prophecies happening right before your eyes and also get new revelations about you know the book of revelation and look when you subscribe to this website you'll also receive a 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to discuss the book of revelation you remind others that jesus is coming as mentioned in the book of revelation plus you'll be able to show folks your faith seeing that you believe that jesus is coming so thank you all for watching remember to like and subscribe and also hit the bell and also look at these other videos over here that may help you with your knowledge and understanding of the book of revelation and help with your growth so don't lose hope folks i love you so much thanks for watching and remember jesus is coming