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The Revelation  Watchman

Book Of Revelation Study Pope Francis And The Pretrib Rapture

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

This book of revelation study shows how pope Francis fulfills revelation bible prophecy that disproves the pretrib rapture. In this video you'll see how pope francis will show how the timing of the events need to be reevaluated to bring more clarity to the topic of the coming antichrist prince hassan bin talal and the coming false prophet pope Francis. This study will bring more clarity about the rapture and the end of days that shows more clearly that Jesus return is closer than ever before. In this book of revelation explained video you'll come to realize the pretrib doctrine is incorrect as the false prophet explained brings clarity to who the coming false prophet will be and who the coming antichrist will be.

now the book of revelation is the last book of the bible it's given to the apostle john or the disciple john not john the baptist one of the twelve disciples john who was then ends out to an island called patmos in which he's been given by god these series of visions that will lay out events that will happen on earth from the point of view of earth and from the point of view of heaven that was set in motion events leading to jesus second coming which will result in the rapture and the end result with him ruling earth so that's what the book of revelation is about however you'll find that tradition will teach that there's a certain moment in the book of revelation that will dictate the rapture which is by the doctrine is called the pre-tribulation rapture now the book of revelation has a series of chapters in it chapters 1 through chapter 22 that lays out these events and that's the moment the rapture happens but what i'm going to show you here based on scripture is an is a revelation to understand the timing within the book of revelation that we can see with our own eyes so that you can understand fully what the lord wants us to know as applause as it applies to the events that we need to watch for so let's begin okay so the book of revelation as i said before has 22 chapters and in it we have the pre-trib doctrine that suggests that the rapture will happen here at chapter four because john the disciple is told to come up here when he hears come up here that is interpreted to be the time in which the rapture happens since john is told to come up here and go to heaven and he sees the future institutional doctrine teaches the pre-trib rapture happens at this moment which will then take christians out of the earth where they will be absent from experiencing all the events subsequent to chapter four now we have the tribulation otherwise known as the great tribulation that covers chapter five through eleven and that's really laid out in the first through the sixth seal which is in chapter six the seventh field in chapter eight this changes to the trumpet so the first through the fourth trumpets in chapter eight then it goes to the fifth through the sixth trumpet in chapter nine and then the seventh trumpet in chapter 11 and then we have the wrath of god which is talking about the first through the seventh bowls the wrath of god so this is just a series of events that happen on earth as it relates to the seals the trumpets and the bulls and is suggested by the pre-trip doctrine that the rapture happens here in chapter four only because john is told to come up here that is an interpretation that that means the church will also rapture up at chapter four even though we see clearly that chapter alone is just john being told to come up here by himself and not mentioning about the body of christ or the church or all christians in the world hearing that and also going up with them this is just the single moment in chapter four where john who's the author of this book here's the voice from heaven to come up here and that is an interpretation that the pre-trib rapture doctrine is built on which is the church will be raptured missing all of these different events that you have here but i'm going to submit to you right now evidence based on the scriptures that we can understand to know and blow how to order this pre-trib doctrine because it is not sound the interpretation of it is not sound and you're going to see with your own eyes why that is the case with your own eyes you're going to see why that is and based on the teaching of the scripture and the understanding the holy spirit will give us you will see we need to approach revelation with the new wine new wine skin mindset because the holy spirit is teaching us all something new and don't be so defensive about this because it's the same thing jesus did in his time when jesus came and walked the earth he brought more clarity to prophecy that the people of israel and his followers did not understand until he clarified it so as the disciples and the people of israel knew of the prophecy about the messiah and was so confused and vague and they had different interpretations left and right when jesus came on the scene it brought more clarity to it and things were corrected prophecy was more understood because he clarified it because he fulfilled it likewise with the holy spirit the closer we get to the events of the book of revelation the more the holy spirit will bring clarity to prophecy that we have a better understanding and thereby having a better preparation for jesus arrival that's the whole point as prophecy and scripture tells us that prophecy is to edify comfort and extort that's what the point is not to confuse but to edify comfort and exhort so let's take a look at this because i think you're gonna really enjoy this so now let's take a look at chapter matthew chapter two chapter matthew let's take a look at chapter math ah did it again let's take a look at matthew chapter 2. i couldn't get that out anyway so what we're going to do is we're going to see the early time of jesus when he was a baby and they're going to see that there was several prophecies mentioned within that passage when he was born and then we want to analyze what the holy spirit is trying to teach us about prophecy so then we're going to apply that lesson to the book of revelation so let's take a look at this matthew chapter two try saying that three times now this is where we see jesus is born he says matthew chapter two and when herod the king heard that he was troubled in jerusalem with him and when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes the people together inquired of them where the christ was to be born so they said to him in bethlehem of judah for thus it is written by the prophets now this is a prophecy from chapter five verse two and he says but you bethlehem in the land of judah are not the least among the rulers of judah for out of you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people israel so this is from micaiah chapter 2. in that same chapter we have matthew chapter 2 here this now we're at verse 13. so we see now when they had departed behold an angel of the lord appeared to joseph james and a rise to the young child and his mother fleet of egypt and he stayed there until they bring your word here for herod will seek the young child to destroy him and when he arose he took the young child and his mother and by night and departed for egypt and it was there until the death of herod that it might be fulfilled which was spoken about through the lord through the prophet saying and this is from hosea chapter 11 1 he says out of egypt i called my son so now we have a second prophecy within the same chapter we have mekiah we now we have hosea speaking about another prophecy pertaining to the christ in chapter insane chapter 2. and look chapter another and third prophecy in in matthew chapter two it says when herod saw that he was deceived by the wise man he was angry and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were born in bethlehem and all the districts from two years and two years old and under according to time which had determined from the wise men then it was fulfilled that was spoken by jeremiah the prophet saying and this is quoted from jeremiah 31 15. the voice was heard in rama lamentations we've been great mourning rachel weeping for our children refusing to be comfort because they are no more so in summary we see in matthew chapter 2 there are three prophecies being mentioned that all pertains to christ as he as he's born and within the time frame of when he was a baby one from makaya that's when we see he was uh he was he would be born in bethlehem two was from hosea and that's where he would go be called back from he would go to egypt for sanctuary and then be called from egypt and then we have three where the children will be massacred because they're trying to kill the christ baby christ so we see we see micah hosea and we see jeremiah three prophecies about the christ at that short little window of time when jesus was a baby but did you catch the lesson the holy spirit just taught us in that chapter watch this okay so we have the prophecy that jeremiah said his was first he had the first prophecy about baby christ and that prophecy was fulfilled last in that chapter in that sequence of events jeremiah spoke first but his prophecy was fulfilled last then we have the second prophecy the mid prophecy in that chapter hosea 11 chapter 1 which was filled and fulfilled in the middle here in verse 13 where his flight was to egypt christ's flight was to egypt then we have the last prophecy spoken micaiah 5 2 and his last prophecy within that sequel of events happened first he was born in bethlehem so what we see here is that what was spoken first happened last what was spoken in the middle or the second happened second but what was spoken last happened first so what we're seeing here is that the sequence in which the prophecy was spoken happened opposite in the way in which they were filled what happened first was fulfilled last what happened what was spoken last was fulfilled first so what does this tell you as it relates to the chronological order of the book of revelation we cannot go by the chronological numerical order of the book of revelation to understand prophecy because the holy spirit has just showed us that when it comes to prophecy what he said first as it relates to chapter one two three or four can happen last as it relates to four three two one so we see that the way in which we read in earthly terms the book of revelation with chronological numerical order of the chapter is not how god operates god will operate based on what we just saw with who spoke first who spoke second who spoke third the events in which they will unfold will be backwards what was spoken first will happen last what was spoken second what happened second what was spoken uh last what happened first so we cannot approach the book of revelation and read it just only mere by by only reading the chapters and determining that the events in which they will unfold in that book is laid out by the the chapter numbers in that book we cannot approach the book of revelation to to understand the sequence of events only filtering it through by the sequence of chapters that's the the chronological order the the trap the book of revelation has laid out because the holy spirit just taught us that so far i want to make sure i'm not losing you if i am put your questions in the comments below so i can answer them and also if you do find this very astounding let me know your thoughts i love to read about what you think about this in the comments below so the question is how are we supposed to understand it well it's simple we're supposed to understand it the way he just showed us how we're supposed to understand it so whatever was spoken doesn't matter who or the order in which it was spoken what's supposed to matter is how the events unfolded when they were fulfilled that's what we're supposed to be paying attention to and that's what the holy spirit wants us to watch he wants us to watch when the events unfold and when they come to fruition and when they are fulfilled not in the order in which it was given because once we do that once we go into that order can you imagine if we were in the time which this happened and we were like jeremiah's happens first um hosea have a second and makai happens it has to go in that order and then when the christ as a baby baby jesus comes into the scene and he does not fulfill prophecy in that order no no that can't be the christ because he didn't do what jeremiah said he didn't do what hosea said he needed to do what makai said just in the order was supposed to be giving him no no no no jeremiah spoke first so that happened first then and joseph was again and makai happened last so that has to happen last but what the holy spirit showed us is like no the way in the order which it was given happened in a total opposite sequence what was said first happened last what was happening last happened first and that's what the holy spirit wants us to do is to learn watch what is fulfilled and understand the lord by that means by watching and i'm gonna show you watch this so how can we apply this to the book of revelation today well if you watch my previous videos you'll see how revelation chapter 17 verse 10 was fulfilled on february 2013. there's a verse that discusses chapter that discussed in september 17 about a harlot on a seven-headed beast and seven-headed beast is also interpreted as the angel says to be seven kings and it says of the seventh he will be there for a short time which points to point which points to pope benedict pope benedict was the seventh king or the seventh head who will be there for a short time because remember popes go to that position to die but he advocated he stepped down which fulfilled this verse here on february 2013 he was the one to be there for a short time then it says in the next verse how this prophecy was fulfilled the beast who's the false prophet the beast of the sea that was it is not is himself also the eighth and he is of the seventh will go into perdition this was filled in the following month of march 2013. so this this verse points to pope francis pope francis is the beast the false prophet or the beast of the sea who is of the eighth he's of the seven kings but he's the eighth and he is the one that will be the future false prophet so he fulfilled this in verse 11. pope benedict fulfilled verse 10 he fulfilled verse 11. now what am i saying with that well as we talked about the pre-trib suggesting that the pre-trade happens in chapter four tribulation happens here the seals the trumpets then we have the last trumpet in the wrath of god that happens in chapter 16. but look at this pope francis fulfills chapter 17 verse 11. how is this so if this is accurate if this is accurate where the rapture should happen in chapter four why in the world are we seeing pope francis phil chapter 17 if we're all supposed to be out of here we're not supposed to be seeing any of this especially something in chapter 17 if we're following the chronological order of the chapters in the book of revelation right we're not supposed to see pope francis phil chapter 17 or pope benedict because we're supposed to be out of here well let me offer this correction what we're seeing folks is that pope francis as pope francis fulfills chapter 17 verse 11. yet we're still here and haven't seen any of this stuff happen yet the first seal hasn't happened neither the trumpets none of this stuff has happened yet and the rapture definitely didn't happen because we're still here but how is it that we can see pope francis in chapter 17 and that is because the holy spirit is showing us that this happens first this is where we are he's showing us chapter 17 is happening right now this is where we are so even though we haven't seen the seals or the trumpets or the bulls or anything for that matter we do see happening right now as we speak pope francis chapter 17. this is what we see so if we're seeing chapter 17 happen now as the holy spirit is showing us that we need to accept the truth that the pre-trip is incorrect because if the pre-trip is chapter four if the preacher happens in chapter four we should not be seeing this but we are seeing this which means this is wrong and which means the holy spirit is right and we are seeing chapter 17 fulfill right before our eyes which seems to suggest that these other events are slowly around the corner and that's what i want to bring to your realization that's the revelation i want you to see is that we are seeing revelation 17 happen as we speak if you fixate your mind on the earthly concept of sequence of chapter chapters one two three four five six and so on and you you ignore the lesson the holy spirit is showing you based off scripture then you're totally gonna miss this and you'll be totally shocked and totally blindsided when these events unfold and you have no idea that they're happening right before your eyes but if you're watching what the holy spirit is showing us as we speak then you can see that 17 chapter 17 specifically verse 10 and 11 is happening as we speak or had happen and pope francis has fulfilled that verse moving that chapter way ahead of schedule than what we thought we were watching thereby understanding chapter 17 is happening as we speak which seems to suggest the other events will soon be set in motion very very soon and that's the revelation i wanted to show you guys so thank you for watching i hope this edition i hope jesus increase as i decrease to be able to serve you thank you again for watching and don't lose hope folks because remember jesus is coming

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