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The Revelation  Watchman

Top Facts Showing Who Will Be The False Prophet

Writer's picture: West "Watchman" BrooksWest "Watchman" Brooks

This Revelation Christian episode will show top facts showing who the False Prophet will be Pope Francis from the Book of Revelation scriptures, and evidence that will point to Pope Francis as the one who will be the The False Prophet of the end times. This is the False Prophet explained exposed video that will help reveal the prophecy of the False Prophet.

now there's so many topics about the book of revelation and so much information about eschatology and time events but one thing i always find that seems to just be missing or ignored or overlooked is the topic of the false prophet so what i want to do is go through our scripture and show you who i believe the false prophet is and will become and show you what he will do so that you could be prepared for his arrival so stay tuned and see what the holy spirit has to teach you today [Music] hey i'm wes watson brooks and welcome to the revelation christian i try to help christians understand the book of revelation topics about the book of revelation providing news and updates relates to end time events and events are supposed to lead to jesus second coming now if you're new to prophecy and this is your first time learning about this topic i want to first recommend that you visit my website and subscribe download a prophecy guide that i made for you that can give you a a bigger picture of past present and future prophecy to look for that way you bring up the speed as to prophecy that already happened in the past props that just happened in our mind and time and prophecy we need to look for so definitely visit my website i believe that prophecy god will help you out and bring you all up to speak and if you like to promote jesus like i do definitely visit my online store you can see apparel on homeware with book of revelation themes and other christian themes to really encourage and increase jesus in the heart of so many people that need his hope now you may be doubtful about what i say and what i teach here but to bring some ease to your concern on june 27 for the teaching of the holy spirit i said watch for princess son bentilla of jordan the one i believe to be the future antichrist to meet pope francis the one i believe to be the future false prophet said this in june 2014 and said watch for these two to me because before they go do what god said that they're going to do in the future the false prophet and sarcasm said they have to meet so i said that in june 2014 for the teaching of the holy spirit and three months later september of 2014 they met so just as the lord taught i posted i said watch for it to happen and it happened so that you can understand that the holy spirit is teaching us all here today so if all this sounds good to you and you think you're going to enjoy this channel and like what you have to hear i'd highly recommend you subscribe make sure you click the subscribe button and click that notification bell so whenever i produce a new video you'll get a notification of it and you can stay in the loop i definitely appreciate that it will help me out and help keep you informed what's going on that so many questions are not aware of and so many churches that i'm talking about today but the lord that guided you here and i want to make sure i serve you well by serving jesus as well so let's see what the holy spirit has to teach you today okay so now let's talk about facts that will show how pope francis is and will become the future false prophet now if you ask any christian or even non-christians about what particular person is popularized when it comes to the topic of end times in the apocalypse you always hear the easiest response is the antichrist the problem is the antichrist is not the solo individual that's going to just do all these things on his own by his own power not at all rather that he's supported by someone else that's called the false prophet and a lot of christians don't even know about this character a lot of it has to do with because a lot of pastors don't talk about the book of revelation and end times a lot of christians don't even read the book of revelation by extension they don't understand about the end times and in doing so there's not really a lot of focus on the false prophet the one that will prop up and exalt the antichrist to give him the power that he's going to have to rule the world so in this video you're going to learn about who is the false prophet and who he will become what he will do and who he will join so that way you can totally understand the clear picture about this individual so you know who exactly the individuals we need to look at as it relates to the book of revelation and end time events okay so during the end times the antichrist will be joined by a counterfeit holy spirit called the false prophet just as antichrist is the counterfeit christ and just as satan is the counterfeit god you will call these individuals the answer christ the false prophet and satan that counterfeit trinity so this again shows you the unholy godhead meaning how there's god the father god the son jesus christ and god the holy spirit so there's three individuals three persons that make up the godhead totally individuals separate individuals rather they're all one so you see that in the end times satan counterfeits this and has his own version of it because remember satan wants to be like god so if god has a godhead he wants a godhead in his image where he would be like god satan then he would have his antichrist and then he will also have his counterfeit holy spirit which will be the false prophet the spiritual power behind the antichrist all doing the will of satan so let's take a look at some scriptures to really hone in on this revelations chapter 19 the dynamic duo here we see a dimension together the beast which is the antichrist remember there's two beasts beasts of the earth beast of the sea in this case is the beast of the earth but here we have the beast called the ants of christ was captured and when him number two the false prophet so you see this dynamic duo the antichrist in the frost prophet who worked signs in his presence by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worship his image those two again the false prophet antichrist were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with fire and brimstone so we see in the book of revelation a clear indication of two individuals that will usher in the end times called the antichrist and the false prophet now the name that the antichrist have is called the beast of the earth as the false prophet is called the beast of the sea the one two so you see this duo again uh mentioning and you'll see this repeatedly over and over and over and over again but i just want to make sure you clearly understand that the answer christ is not a solo individual doing all this stuff by himself rather he's supported by a supernatural spiritual power that gives him the ability to do the things he's going to do in service to satan's will but i said this many many many years before pointing out who these individuals are and how we should watch for them based off the teaching of the holy spirit so take a look at this as i already mentioned before here we have june 27 2014 i said watch for pope francis who i believe the one be the false prophet and i said watch for him to meet princess son ben to love jordan want to believe the be the antichrist and i said this on june 27 2014 watch these two of me because before they go do what the bible says they're going to do in the book of revelation they have to meet then three months later per the teaching of the holy spirit they met so just as i said what to watch for i posted a youtube video teaching it since then and then three months later being loyal to the teaching of the lord hear that you see that they met just as i said and the lord guided me to post and i posted it and it came to pass so clearly there's no way i could have known that could have happened unless it was about a leading and guiding of the holy spirit so the holy spirit is teaching this i'm seeing it i'm discerning what's going on i post it and it happens so you can see that this is by the guidance of the holy spirit for our all our edification because remember we have in first corinthians chapter 14 prophecy is for the church for believers is to edify comfort and exhort so that's what prophecy is for all of us but we also see that in second and we see in acts chapter two that any end times god's gone part of the spirit and sons and daughters is gonna prophesy so this is what you're seeing happening now but there's more to come but i just want you to see that as i said this back in 2014 and earlier in that 2013 that's you can see that as i said this i watch for these two individuals to me you can understand that this is two individuals need to watch for now since we're focusing on pope francis let's dig deep and deep dive and niche down into who he is how he became this fulfilled prophetic individual and what he will do so you can understand more about him so let's take a look at this okay so now i want you to understand again just really breaking this down that here we have remember jesus didn't perform any miracles until the holy spirit rested upon him so as jesus was born he was baby jesus no miracles was done and when jesus was a child that no miracle was done and even jesus was an adult no miracle was done it was only up until the holy spirit the holy spirit rested upon him then miracles came likewise we see that satan's gonna do the same thing how satan will have his antichrist when he's a baby his antichrist will be a child and his antichrist is going to grow up and becoming adult but guess what nothing's going to kick off until the false prophet would join him so who will be the false prophet well let's take a look at revelation 17 because in revelation 17 god gives us an image of a spiritual religious body on earth that influences and controls the earth even kings bow down revere this religious body in this religious system god sees it as a woman sitting on a beast with seven heads and ten horns and he sees this woman wearing red and purple but we're having a gold cup and dorm gold and precious stones and pearls now what you find here in revelation 17 as it talks about that we can identify that this woman is wearing purple purple and scarlet or red so what god is doing is giving john the author of the book of revelation the true image the true character the true nature of this religious system on earth and identifying it as a monster with seven heads ten horns and a harlot a prostitute sitting on it having a cup in the door girl adorned with gold pearls and presser stones and having a a a golden cup in her hand so this is how god sees it from his vantage point so let's break down this passage here and totally identify what this religious system is to be able to understand more about the false prophet so we have to ask yourself what religious system in the world or religion in the world can be identified by wearing purple and red well we have the bishops of the roman catholic church we have the red of the roman catholic church and they both were purple and red so we can clearly identify that the purple and red and this prophecy is a as it is a um reflection of the roman catholic church leadership the bishops and the cardinals then the woman is born adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls so what can we do to understand this well we see that the tiaras of the popes are dormed with gold precious stones and pearls it says that the woman sits in the middle of seven uh heads well the angel in this in this chapter gives the interpretation saying that the seven heads are seven mountains where the woman sits mountains not kingdoms if anyone tells you this means kingdoms they're not telling you the truth this clearly means mountain it's the same greek word where jesus said he gave a sermon on the mount so don't let anyone tell you otherwise so looking seeing that the uh seeing that god is leading us to the roman catholic church well let's look at the vatican vatican sits in the middle of one two three four five six seven hills so we see that these large hills aka mountains sit in the middle of the vatican just as these seven heads sits in the middle of the harlot the prostitute that we see in this image so if we just superimpose that image we clearly can understand that god is pointing us geographically speaking to the vatican as he's talking about the seven heads he's really seeing the interpretation is really the seven hills and how the woman sits in the middle of the seven heads we see how the vatican sits in the middle of the seven mountains so this is what god sees he's giving us the spiritual discernment and true nature of the roman catholic church with this imagery but discerning what he's talking about in interpretation in this chapter we're actually seeing a woman we actually see in the vatican and its geographic location as it sits in the middle of seven hills now we see that it says that also there are seven kings five have fallen one hasn't come yet but when he comes he'll be there for a short time and the beast of the sea because that's what we're talking about the beast of the sea that was and is not is himself also the eighth and as of the seven and we're going to perdition so when we look at this and we just break down what we're seeing here as regards there being kings we could see that the vatican state remember vatican is a city state it's its own country in a country it's a monarchy state so even though we call the pope's pope they're actually kings any male who's the head of a state that's a monarchy is called a king even though we call them pope so we see that prophecy is fulfilled and then breaking down the rest of the passage says that their five kings have fallen so we list out uh it says that there are total eight but we just list out the kings we have five kings have fallen and then the scripture says there's one is the six and the other the seventh will be there for a short time and then the last it says will be the beast of the sea so so far what we're doing is this is laying out the scriptures we're seeing where the lord is leading us we're discerning by the temple interpretation that the angel gives us in the chapter to be able to understand where god is leading us to to understand to finally get to this individual who will be the most the most false deceiving prophet the world has ever seen per the scriptures in the book of revelation so now we're about to follow these line of kings the last seven kings leading to the eighth who will be the false prophet so let's take a look and let's break this down okay so we have here there are five have fallen the first one die is the first one is pope pius who died in 1922. the second one who died pope pius in 1958 the third one died 1963. the fourth one died 1978. the fifth one died in 1970. so so far we have five kings have fallen so we have they all died so this prophecy of five kings have fallen it's accurate then we have the one is the what the sixth the six was john paul who died in 2005. so so far we're so so far so good the lord is dead on with everything he said now i want you to pay close close attention to the next prophecy the next prophecy says this okay says that so the prophecy is after this guy after this pope the one after him won't die like the rest he will be there for a short time so what does that mean what does it mean he'll be there for a short time well one thing is for certain he's not going to be like the ones before him he's gonna be one that will be there but for a short time so let's see what happened after john paul passed away in 2005. let's see what who was the pope after that and did he fulfill the scriptures as the scripture said as the prophecy said he would do okay so here we go we have the seventh who will be there for a short time is pope benedict who resigned yes yes yes pope benedict was the one who fulfilled this prophecy in 2013. he was the one who would be there only for a short time he was not one he was going to do as the others did where they would die or aka fallen no he was the one who will be the seventh and would be there only for a short time so he fulfilled this prophecy here this was fulfilled in 2013 and as you can see this was not talked about much this was not talked in churches this was not talked in prophetic circles but prophetic schools prophetic individuals this is the most overlooking this is the most overlooked prophetic event that has happened in our lifetime that is clearly pointing in fulfillment to the book of revelation that most people are not even aware of which is why i get so passionate about it because it's it's one that needs to be spoken spoken to and shared with with so many other christians who need to be aware of this because of the time that has happened it's almost just like the time of christ where jesus is performing these miracles doing things that the mistakes that the prophet said messiah would do he comes for fulfills it and does all these different miracles and wonders and fulfill scriptures to the t with perfect accuracy and people are like i'm still not told that this might be the messiah then you know that's mary's boy mary and joseph boy he's always been weird but i'm not sure that this is the messiah so as you can see how we are just like the people of israel during the time of jesus when jesus fulfilled the prophecies and folks folks who are religious did not even see the time that was at hand but that's why i'm making this video for you so you can truly see the time that is at hand but let's keep going because now after this scripture after this event the prophecy is that the one after him will be the false prophet and who was that okay we have the next one that says the beast that was not israel himself is also the eighth is of the seven and is going into perdition and that is pope francis pope francis is the eighth he is the eighth king he is the one that is the false prophet he became the false prophet on march 2013 and fulfilled this prophecy of being the eighth he's the one that fulfilled the prophecy of being the eighth king so remember this is no different than when judas was it was prophesied that there would be one who were training with 30 pieces of silver there was judas the one who ever portrayed him but with a kiss it was judas who became the son of perdition mentioned in the bible but he was not person until satan entered him so even though judas was a prophetic character who would do what the bible said he would do in his own time but it didn't happen until that last supper where he actually came and kissed jesus and betrayed him but before that he was he was raised up he came into the picture then he played his role as mentioned by the prophet same thing here with pope francis pope francis is now entered into that role of the false prophet and what he will do later on he is in that role he's in that position just like judas is in that role in that position for a specific time to come where he will then step into the role for fully in the role of the false prophet just like how judas will step into the role fully as the prophesied one who portrayed the messiah so we are seeing it happen right before our eyes and i just hope that now you clearly understand that this is the one who is the false prophet and who how he will become the false prophet later on and he will do the things mentioned in the scriptures as supporting and being the spiritual supernatural power behind the antichrist to carry out the will of satan so i hope that you understand more about the character of the red antichrist you understand who he is you understand how he's raised up and you're going to understand how he's going to do what the bible says he's going to do later on i'm going to make more videos about this and if you want to know more specifically about the false prophet let me know in the comments below i'd love to engage in a conversation about this with you so definitely give me a like if you enjoyed this video and share it with others so we can bring more awareness to so many christians who are unaware of what's going on in the time that is at hand thank you so much for watching folks and please please don't lose hope because remember say with me jesus is coming


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