See who is the Antichrist of the future by learning about who the Antichrist was of the past. The Holy Spirit will teach us many lessons with the first Antichrist according to what Jesus showed and said about him, so that we can learn more about the second Antichrist to come and what he will do,
now in this video you're gonna learn about who the first Antichrist was the one that comes before the future Antichrist the first Antichrist we want to dive into because learning about him well in his characteristics will help us understand more about the second the future Antichrist that's to come and who's already here now this is your first time here thank you for tuning in I'm Wes watchman Brooks of the Revelation Christian comm and I help Christians understand the events mentioned in the book of Revelation to prepare them for the rapture when Jesus returns where the dead in Christ rise and we return joins Jesus on crowd because we want to be prepared like a bride approaching the groom on our wedding thing we want to be ready for that day so this channel is to help Christians prepare for that moment so far according to the teachers of the Holy Spirit what I said to watch for has already happened in several cases time and time and time again in one case fulfilled so you can see that what the Lord Holy Spirit is teaching us here is credible if you find this video useful head over to the revelation crystal comm that way if I post in your new videos and your new teachings and a new revelation events or world events that happen you'll be in a loop you'll be updated and you won't miss out so let's see what the Holy Spirit has to teach us today okay folks let's jump into this we're gonna learn about the mention of two Antichrist a one that has already come the one has already came in the future that's the future one that's to come now just to give you a backdrop remember the scripture that says what will be will be there's nothing new Under the Sun what has been will be there's nothing new Under the Sun so everything has been done already that's being done right now so with that being said if we know that there's a future Antichrist then we can understand that there has to been a past Antichrist so let's see where that has been we're gonna go to Scripture and let's first hone in on this term here mentioned by Paul and second Thessalonians 2 scripture tells us that let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come we're talking about when Jesus returns on the clouds that day we're not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed Antichrist the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God so we've seen that this Antichrist that's gonna come in the last days he has a particular title notice like Jesus is called the Son of Man or Lamb of God son of God he's called Christ he's called him manual so Jesus has these honors these titles antral Christ also has a title but so far Paul is telling us about Antichrist that he has a particular title called son of perdition now equate this to how Jesus has titles son of God Lamb of God Emmanuel Christ Prince of Peace so if we have Jesus having these titles Antichrist likewise has title one of those particular titles is called son of perdition and this is what Paul gives him when it refers to the Antichrist but let's take a look at this again so as he's called Antichrist as we know him to be call it Antichrist he has a title here called son of perdition or son of Darkness and yet we look back in the gospel mind you we just ran about Thessalonians this is this is Paul's letter to the desolate Laika the testimonial people but in the gospel prior to when Paul was commissioned we have in the Gospel of John we have this in verse a chapter 17 verse 12 Jesus is speaking he says while I was with them in the world I kept them talking about the disciples I kept them in your name those who you gave me I have kept and none of them is lost except the son of perdition that descriptions might be fulfilled so here we have where Jesus is talking this is like right before he's about to be arrested and going to the whole last 12 hours of his life and where he's crucified and rises again from the dead but we see at this moment here when he's with his disciples he's talking to God and he's telling the Lord God that I've kept them all those who gave me I didn't lose any of them except one that the Scriptures might be fulfilled so we have a prophecy of one that description might be fulfilled in this prophecy of the one that he did not keep is called son of perdition so now we have two instances of this word addition Paul refers to as future Antichrist as son of perdition and then Jesus says of those who was given to him one of them was called son of perdition that he couldn't he didn't keep because but he didn't losing the others except that one son of perdition so we have one affiliated with in the gospel as son of perdition and we have one that's going to come in the future call it son of perdition so that tells us that there is the Holy Spirit is teaching us here there is something that we need to pay attention to that correlates to the path to the gospel son of perdition and the future Antichrist son of perdition so there's something we need to pay attention to which we're about to dive in now so let's check this out down Jesus calls Judas son of perdition that's what he's talking about because the only one he didn't keep was him it was prophesied that this one will be trained for thirty pieces of silver the Scriptures had to be fulfilled that he or that one would betray him for thirty pieces of silver and that one Jesus called son of perdition and then Jesus goes into verse 70 saying did I not choose you the twelve and one of you is a devil so Jesus was talking to the disciples in which he says one of you is the devil and he's talking about Judas and then the previous first we just read he calls Judas not only a devil but he calls them son of perdition now let's look at the name Judas Iscariot Iscariot means the men of Kiriath Curia and now Jeremiah 48 verse 21 through 24 we have a little bit more information about this place called carry off says and judgment has come on the plain country on tiri off on all the cities of the land of Moab far or near we have another mention of it again which says curious taken and the strongholds are surprised the mighty men's heart in Moab on that day shall be like the heart of a woman in birth pains and then we have another mention again we have here where we see in a most he says but I will send a fire upon Moab and it devour the places of Kiriath moab shall die with Toma with shouting and trumpet sounds so we see this consistent mentioning of keroth in association to Moab when Jeremiah is talking about curiosity more bisman shinned we see him talked about carry out again more of as mention we see a most all about Cree off again Moab is mentioned so let's see well what is this what's so what's so important about mentioning more up in association Securi off as it relates to Judas Iscariot who's from Kiriath let's check this out so here's a map of the ancient land of Moab now in the northwestern region of mullah you find the land curiata which will be which will be where Judas must have been from if his last name is Iscariot which means man of Kiriath we see his lineage or his his residence or where his where he's from though he's Jewish we see that his he comes from this land here in the northwestern region of mowett so that means that what we were finding out with Judas we'll be able to learn with who's the first son of perdition will be but also fun that relates to the Antichrist who's the second son of perdition you with me if you whip me let me know by typing in there jesus is coming all right I want to make sure that we are on the same page and that when believers are coming to here they can see that this information is very useful so let's dive into this all right so here's a map of the ancient land of the Middle East and you find kingdom of Mon Kingdom ammo up and Kingdom of Edom and this is a global map of present day so you see where Moab is and we said that curiosity in the north western region of Moab that's where Korea is well we put that on today's map we find that place to be Jordan so what the Lord is telling us here is that in relation to Judas we see that his name is Judas Iscariot Iscariot means men of Kiriath Kiriath is the northwestern region of Moab Moab is present-day Jordan so we see that that isn't a very important factor a very important clue to under standing about the first son of perdition to help us understand the person about the second son of perdition that's the whole point of why the Holy Spirit's giving this information giving us is like giving us his last name because what we learn around him the first son of perdition we'll be able to learn about the second son of perdition so let's take a look at what the lowest mirror is trying to drive home so we see that the Holy Spirit tallest his name is Judas Iscariot and we learned that Iscariot means the minute carry off and we just learned that Carrie authors in the Northwest region of Moab and that is present-day Jordan so we find that there's what the Holy Spirit's the whole experience teaching us is that Judas who was judge Oh was also associated with the Jordanians or present-day Jordan and then if we see that this is the first son of perdition was Jewish and association to Jordan then we learned that the second son of perdition will have an association to Jordan as well if the first son of perdition had an association to Jordan then the second son of perdition would have an association of Jordan that's the whole point of what the Holy Spirit is trying to draw at home that's why he gave us his name his last name is scary so we can understand that he has a Jordanian association and is the whole point of why he gave us the name son of perdition because the first son of perdition and the second son of perdition will be the same we'll do the same things have the same characteristics that way we can learn from them first and then no anticipate what the second will do but folks it doesn't stop there check this out in John we have this incident that happens here then Mary took a pair of very costly oil and spikenard in order to feed of Jesus wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of oils but one of his disciples Judas Iscariot there is our boy Judas Iscariot Simon's son who would betray him why wasn't he says this now we're about to Judas is talking okay here's what he says now mind you this is one of the disciples this is one of the disciples about to speak here so let's really be hyper focused and understanding listening here of what this guy's about to say because again if foreshadows the future perdition the Antichrist let's check this out Judas says why was this frequent oil that's sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the money box and he used it to take what was put in it so this dude Judas would speak as if he cared for the poor saying Thomas not this old what was not this oil sold for three hundred there and given to the poor so this dude here would talk as if he was well he was part of the twelve but he would talk as if he cared for the poor why didn't we sell the oil for three hundred denarii and give it to the poor but the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth that he was a thief and he used to take what was put in the money box he didn't really care about the poor but he would portray himself as he did so as the attention grew to the twelve and money was given to him and he carried the Treasury but he was actually taking what was put in it but his words would be as he as if as if he cared for the plight of the suffering those disenfranchised those who were being underserved in the community and those who well beings were destroyed and needed needed assistance that's that's who Judas Judas Iscariot cared for now it was a front the whole time now we're gonna compare that to who the Holy Spirit is showing us who will be the second son of perdition now we're gonna look at that video of princes on been too long and we're gonna show what he has to say as it relates to the plight of the world in the world and in the suffering and the disenfranchised and the refugees of the world just as Judas said what he said though the Holy Spirit told the truth and he was the first son of perdition let's look at who the Holy Spirit showing us who will be the second son of perdition and what he's saying and what the Holy Spirit is really letting us know about check this out could the wars in my part of the world look at and what is happening in the Yemen today 80 million people suffering starvation and the war that continues to attack with all kinds of ordnance and at the end of the day we are told this is important to create jobs in other countries it's a war that has been supported by both Britain and the United States well there you go I mean it's the elephant in the room again oil and weapons what about water energy and the human environment what about human dignity that's what I think small countries and people should be standing for the prince is advocating for a change in the United Nations and for global peace standards so you just heard princess summons law the one who the holy spirit is teaching and showing us who will be the future and so Christ a second son of perdition you see how he's concerned about um and he's called the plight of the suffering that disenfranchise of refugees and how he said what about human environment human dignity human dignity that's just one his coin terms you always hear talk about you make dignity but just as the Holy Spirit is showing us the second son tradition is like the first son of perdition who also said what about the poor shouldn't we care about the poor and give this fragrant oil to them I was very told he was a thief so if the first one was a thief the second one's the thief the first one speaks as if he cares about the poor but it really doesn't likewise with the second set of edition who will speak like he cares about the poor what he really doesn't but let's take a look at what else the Holy Spirit teaches about this son of perdition the first Antichrist so we have here in John chapter 13 says when Jesus said to these things he was troubled in spirit and testified and said most assuredly I say to you one of you will betray me then disciple looked at this in another and perplexed about whom he spoke now they were leaning on Jesus bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved this is John right here at the one whom Jesus loved he said Simon Peter therefore moist emotion to him so we have Peter speaking to John saying looking you kind of nudged him nudged like speak say this too and acts who was of whom he spoke then leaning back Jesus breasts he said to him Lord who is it jesus answered it is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it and having dipped the bread he gave it to Judas Iscariot the son assignment now after this piece of bread Satan entered him jesus said to him what you do do it quickly key words here Satan entered him so what we just learned about the sect of the first son of perdition the first Antichrist was that at the Last Supper when Jesus saying 1 are you going to betray me Peter motion to John who's sitting beside Jesus and Peter says to John accent Lu's gonna betray him John says to the Lord Lord who is it Jesus says I'm gonna show you I'm not gonna say it but I'm gonna show you so the first lesson here is the Holy Spirit and it's not gonna tell us who it is the Holy Spirit is not gonna tell us who the second Antichrist is who the second son of perdition is the Holy Spirit's going to show us so just as Jesus showed us who the first son of perdition was order how Jesus showed the disciples who the first son of perdition was Laura the lower Holy Spirit who's in the place of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is not on earth he's up in heaven who's in Holy Spirit's taking his place on earth so the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ will show us who the second son of perdition is so as Jesus show who the first time perdition is the Holy Spirit will show who the second son of perdition is and just a search the first son I hope the first son of perdition Jesus took the bread dipped it in there gave it to Judas Iscariot he ate it Satan entered him likewise so we see the second lesson in this is that if the first son of perdition Satan entered him then we have with the second son of perdition Satan will enter him - and it's mentioned right here folks 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 through 5 I believe let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the following wake comes first and the man of sin is revealed Antichrist the son of perdition will oppose an exhausting tappable all that it's called God or that worship so that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that He is God so we see right here the Antichrist what he's going to do the Antichrist is going to go into the third temple and call himself God declare himself God why because Satan will possess him because look what Satan says in his heart Isaiah 14 Oh Lucifer son of the morning he says how have you fallen down to the ground you weaken the nations for you have said in your heart and then look at the correlation here folks I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will also sit in the amount of congregation this is the Temple Mount okay I was sent around a mountain of congregation on the farthest size of North and now I want to send above the heights of a cloud I will be like the Most High yet you shall be brought down to Sheol to lowest depths of the pit this is the bottomless pit mentioned in Revelation so we see the correlation here what how Satan's gonna in his heart will sit he will sit in the mountain of congregation because he will sit here in the temple of God exalting himself that He is God so just as Satan possessed Judas the first son of perdition the only smears teaching us that Satan would possess printer son bin talal the second son of perdition that's what we're going to see that as Lord as the Lord is teaching us as Jesus showed the disciples the Holy Spirit will show us as the as Satan possess Judas Iscariot saying will possess princes on so folks as you can see this is the relationship between the two that understanding more about judas iscariot helps us understand more about princess on vince law as he was the first on a perdition princess on will be the second son of perdition as he was possessed by Satan a princess on bench top but that mental law would be possessed by Satan and the takeaway is this folks that the son of perdition didn't just pop up in the time it's all about Judas he didn't just pop up folks and protect ITA's Jesus with thirty cheetahs he didn't portray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver he was present they saw him the disciples saw him they talked to him they can hear him he was seen he was a public figure he was he was portraying himself as he cared about the poor and disenfranchised but he was a thief so he played the part he was publicly seen he could be seen for three years and it wasn't until the final moment until Satan possess them BAM that's when he fulfilled prophecy of portraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and becoming the son of perdition but it worked up to that moment likewise with Princess on Benton law he will also be the second son of perdition or the second answer crisis Judas was the first central Christ Princeton will be the second answer Christ and with him he goes public he could be seen he could be heard he's a public figure he's a talk about the disenfranchised talk about the poor talk about human environment human dignity the deficit of the disenfranchised and all the plights and problems of those who are poor and those who are in need so we see the same characteristics with the two but thing that you need to melt the most and the takeaway here is is as same possessive one Satan will possess the other and as Satan said in his heart he will sit in the mountain congregation we see that in Princess Anne's heart is the same thing he wants to be acknowledged he wants to be he's a thief and he wants to be just like how Judas was and when Satan will possess him that will happen well I hope this video was informative to you guys Linda hope was beneficial I really hope that this opens your eyes and you can see that this is the time to really draw closer to Jesus Christ not to be fearful with the book of Revelation but to take it as the Lord opening his heart and revealing Jesus to you it's called the revelation of Jesus Christ so definitely take this opportunity to love the Savior more than your sin that's what this is all about and I hope I help with it so make sure you visit a website to subscribe make sure you visit a 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