God Will Use Queen Elizabeth's Death To Usher In Prophecy, As Seen In The Bible. There are many cases where God would give a prophecy, that could only fulfill when a monarch or their kingdom ended. The death of Queen Elizabeth, gave rise to the 9th King, King Charles III, as part of the 10 kings of the Book of Revelation 17:12. Now watch for a new king in Denmark.
[Music] hey i'm west washington brooks and thanks for watching the revelation christian i'm glad you're here i want to be able to explain to help you understand the signs of the times that are happening within your lifetime as it relates to the book of revelation and bible prophecy because it's happening as we speak but more importantly i've been getting a lot of questions about why is it so significant that queen elizabeth's death relates to bible prophecy well i want to explain this the only way you can understand is to understand that god has used monarchs gentile monarchs to fulfill bible prophecy before and i'm going to show you several examples in the bible how god used the death of monarchs to trigger or initiate or further his his prophetic word of future events that need to happen so you can see that as it happened as it happened before previously in the bible you can see that it's happening today within our within our current time period so what i want to do is take you to scriptures and let you see for yourself examples of a god used gentile kings to further his prophetic fulfillment so you can see that relates to today with queen elizabeth's death and many more things that's going to happen within our lifetime so let's take a look so this is not the first time god used the death of a monarch to fulfill bible prophecy what i mean by that well let's take a look so here we have king nebuchadnezzar he's the king of the babylonian empire and in the realm of the year 585 we see that king nebuchadnezzars at the time had conquered the of the hebrew the jews and have them and got them captive and took them back to babylon because the israelites and the jewish people were so disobedient to god that they did not honor his ways and honor his commandments or his ordinances so god judged them and allowed babylon to capture and take uh take the jewish people as captives back to to babylon in which we see the prophet daniel and his companions were some of those people now what happened is at one time we see that king uh king nebuchadnezzar had a dream he didn't understand the dream he didn't understand the dream and it disturbed him so he called his soothsayers he called his magicians sorcerers to try to interpret the dream but no one could do it under penalty of death if they got it wrong but daniel did so he prayed to the lord and explained that the king nebuchadnezzar had this vision this dream here of the statue of head of gold silver arms and waist i mean silver chest and arms with bronze ways and legs of iron and feet mixed with iron and clay so now we see that daniel the prophet was explained prayed and explained to king nebuchadnezzar this is the dream that you had of this statue with head of gold chests and arms of silver waste of bronze legs of iron and feet with mixed iron and clay so he was able to also give him the interpretation of it so what he ended up doing was sharing the king nebuchadnezzar this is what the drip meant this is what the vision that you had meant so the prophet daniel tells him that the head of gold is your kingdom it's the babylonian empire this is your kingdom and what god is showing you is the kingdoms of the world this is the kingdoms of the world throughout time and this is what will happen and play out throughout time and we see a statue of these different minerals these different elements they're all represented by kingdoms so daniel says you king nebuchadnezzar you're the kingdom of gold but guess what you're the head of gold but guess what your kingdom will be conquered by the medes and persians on two arms and silver chests the medes of persians will conquer you and your kingdom will be conquered by them as the silver arms are nets or the silver chests and arms are next your that kingdom will come after yours so we see that daniel is telling king nebuchadnezzar he who is a gentile king that his kingdom will fall and be preceded by the greek uh the pow the persian and the medes kingdom another gentile kingdom so we find that the death of one kingdom calls forth another gentile kingdom to come so we see that god is using gentile kingdoms to further his prophetic word to further his prophecy and to actually further the ushering of messiah so we find that this is god has done this before as it relates to today's time we see that now we see that during daniel's time it was the babylonian kingdom or king nebuchadnezzar and we see that his kingdom would fall next we find the persians represented by the silver chest and the arms which tonka conquers the head of gold but let's go and see what happens next so now we have that the persians were conquered by alexander the great alexander the great conquered the persians and the persians conquered the babylonians so again we find another gentile king that god is using to fulfill bible prophecy so you can see as god is showing us that he can use gentile monarchs to be able to further his prophetic word but then this is what happened so as you can see king alexander the great died a monarch died and when he died his kingdom split up into four kingdoms and as he died and which led to the next kingdom we see there again god using a gentile monarch to fulfill the prophecy of his own word so just like again i'm trying to draw back and bring you to understand that king queen elizabeth's death relates to bible prophecy in our time just like those who lived in the era of babylon or those who lived in the area of the persians or those who lived in an era of king alice and the greats rule in his reign do we see that when king alexander the great died that triggered another prophecy to come into fruition he had to die in order for the next probably prophecy to be fulfilled just like with queen elizabeth when she had passed away and when she died it ushered in the next event of prophecies that we're going to see that i've been saying for over 10 years so you can understand that we've seen god did this before and now he's doing it again but let's continue so again his kingdom was split into four kingdoms and later became one kingdom or two kingdoms the lady became one kingdom which became the roman empire and now we see that the roman empire later split into the eastern roman empire the western roman empire represented by constantinople or the vatican and the vatican and we see that after that we go into the era of defeat which then is crushed by a stone that falls from heaven and destroys this entire statue and this stone becomes a mountains which stretches over the whole world which is messiah ruling the world with the millennial reign so this is the fulfillment of the prophecy after goes through these these kingdoms these subsequent kingdoms ending with the one that of the stone that comes from heaven destroys them all destroys them at the feet the stone hits the era of the feet not the not the legs not the waist not the chest not the head the stone hits the feet this is the error in which the stone comes so this is what we're seeing here we're seeing that god is using gentile kingdoms as a sequence or timeline or countdown if you will to be able to show how he uses the death of monarchs in the fall and the fall of kingdoms or kings to be able to usher in prophecy so you can see that his word is true you can see that his his prophetic fulfillment relating to his messiah is coming so that's why i want you to be able to understand with this and be able to relate to when it comes to queen elizabeth passing away and how she's now triggered the ninth king of the ten kings of the book of revelation mentioned in revelation 17 12. but let's keep going so now we see in daniel 2 verse 35 it says the horn that the clay and the bronze and silver and the gold were crushed together and became like shaft from on the summer threshing floor the wind carried them away so no trace of them were found and the stone that struck the image became a great mountain to fill the whole earth this is when messiah rules the whole earth for uh for a thousand years this is the messiah's reign on earth when it hits the when it hits the uh uh when it hits the statue at the feet so again you see that god used gentile kings to usher in fulfillment of prophecy the death of these kings and their kingdoms ushered in the subsequent kingdoms after that to fulfill or well fulfill the prophecy of when messiah returns to earth hits the last kingdom of all those kingdoms the last one which is defeat mixed with iron and clay and then he'll usher in his own kingdom on earth which stretches over all the land now let's tie this back to where messiah came the first time because this is not the only example let's look at this we have matthew chapter 9 matthew chapter 2 when they heard the king now just remember this is when jesus was a baby okay matthew chapter 2 when they heard the king they departed and behold the star which they seen in the east went before them until they came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the star they rejoiced with a seemingly great joy and when they had come into the house they saw the young child with marrying his mother and fell down and worshiped him and when they saw and when they said they opened their treasures they presented gifts to him gold frankincense and myrrh then being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to herod they departed for their own country another way the flight to egypt so you see just how disconnected and how how the jewish people were not engaged in the scriptures that three gentiles came we knew based on the scriptures that messiah would be born that day they were the ones who were gentiles that came and presented and worshiped the messiah but yeah all of israel was asleep they had no idea because they were in the scriptures they were being they were following the traditions of their men at that time in their ways and their their incorrect knowledge about the messiah and prophecy that when messiah was born and the star stood above him it was gentile who was there it wasn't the jewish people who were inaugurated and welcomed the messiah's birth but more importantly look at this then we have here now when they departed behold angel the lord appeared to them and in the dream saying arise taking a child his mother fleet of egypt and stay there where they bring the you want to bring your word for herod seeks the young child to destroy him when he arose he took the young child and his father by night and departed to egypt and was there until the death of king herod until the death of king herod that it might be fulfilled which was talking about the lord through the prophet saying out of egypt i called my son so you could see again that god used the death of king herod to trigger prophecy as it relates to messiah's first coming so that it would fulfill the scriptures based in the old testament and said out of egypt but called my son so without the death of king herod you couldn't trigger the prophecy to be fulfilled for messiah to come out of egypt then go into galilee and be called a nazarene so herod had to die the monarch had to die a king had to die then the fulfillment of prophecy came to pass just like we're seeing right now there's 10 kings in europe now there's nine kings there's there's 10 royal families in europe europe nine our kings with one remaining queen margaret of denmark which will then fulfill the tenth or the ten king prophecy so i want you to be able to see and understand that yes god has done this before jews and gentile monarchs the death of gentile monarchs or their kingdoms to be able to usher in the fulfillment of prophecy for the benefit worship glory and praise of his messiah so that we can see the signs of the times but if you fail to see the examples that jesus that god has shown us in the scriptures you won't be able to see what god is showing you right now today just like people of israel didn't know that the messiah was being born in their day and just like how they didn't know he was the messiah of their time because they were so bound to the traditions of man so bound to the incorrect teachings of the times and not seeing what the lord is showing them right in front of their eyes just like the holy spirit showing us right before eyes so i really hope that you enjoy this i love to know your thoughts i hope you understand it let me know if this really brought in your understanding about scripture so you can see that yes god is very very much consistent with his ways as he brings forth the fulfillment of prophecy i hope you enjoyed this leave a comment leave a message subscribe share it thank you so much for watching don't lose hope folks get excited because guess what jesus is coming