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The Revelation  Watchman

Writer's pictureWest "Watchman" Brooks

God's Bible Prophecy Happens Again - Prophecy Fulfilled Again

Brooks with the Revelation Christian I'm here to help you understand the Book of Revelation and end time Bible prophecy as relates to prophecy that's happening in your lifetime right before your eyes now if you watch a previous episode you've seen how I talked about how Queen Elizabeth's death triggers Bible prophecy as relates to the ten King Prophecy in the Book of Revelation in fact I've been saying this for close to 10 years now so you can see my previous videos where I talked about this so watch some previous episodes watch my previous videos and you'll see I've been saying this Faithfully per the teaching of the Holy Spirit I didn't hear God talk to me in my ear don't hear no Audible Voice I'm reading the scriptures I'm seeing what's happening right before our eyes and I'm Discerning what the description says based on what the holy spirit is showing us all based on what the scripture has been given has what is based on what scripture gives us all and I said watch for a new king and UK and Denmark as it will lead to the prophecy of the Ten Kings in the Book of Revelation and in the Book of Daniel and that happened last week on September 8th when Queen Elizabeth passed away now we need to watch for another king in you in Denmark so when the queen of Denmark is replaced by King we will see the 10th King of the ten King Prophecy in the Book of Revelation but look folks this isn't the first time that I've said something to watch for and it happened this happened before but let's take a look at what we let's take a recap real quick and then we're going to bring you into speed as to what I said again that has happened and that was that was fulfilled based on the teaching of the Holy Spirit let's take a look at this so here we're going to look at God's prophecy teaching proven right again so now as you can see in 2013 I said watch for a new King in Denmark and in UK as it relates to Queen Elizabeth being replaced by King Queen Margaret being replaced by King and I said this again in 2014. same thing watch for the new king and UK in Denmark because previous monarchs abdicated in Europe so God was already pointing in Europe to watch for these new Kings as it relates to the new Kings to replace the last Queens Queen Margaret Queen Elizabeth of UK and Denmark set in 2014 said it again in 2015 said in again in 2016 said it again in 2017 setting in 2017 again another video on 2019 and on and on and on and on and on and in 2021 I said hey they released plans about her death we need to watch this as it relates to King Charles replacing Queen Elizabeth so I said watch it again now as the how does this tie to the Book of Revelation this is what I want to explain to you all so you can really see how this ties to the Book of Revelation now you go to Revelation chapter 17 it's in Daniel 7 you see this picture of this the woman sitting on a beast with seven heads and ten horns now she it has a golden cup in her hand for a little brother the blood of Martyrs she's also covered in red and in purple and adored with gold and precious stone and Pearls but more importantly look at the Beast that has 10 horns because it also correlates to Daniel prophecy that also has ten toes so we see the Daniel 2 prophecy has at the end time of a statue with feet with ten toes that correlates to the ten horns and then we see again in Revelation 17 team talks about 10 Kings so we find that what we see here that when it talks about Daniel 2 as it relates to the ten toes we also see there's talking about the 10 Kings so it's consistent there's continuity with prophecy God isn't being inconsistent because he's talking about the same thing either from a different vantage point or he's talking about it's nature or it's characteristic but it's still talking about the same thing now when we look at the statue in Daniel 2 we find that the statue of that King Nebuchadnezzar had of the prophecy of the kingdoms of men where Jesus would return at the era of defeat the gold represented Babylon the chest of silver and arms represented Persia we found the waste represented Greece and we found that the Romans represented the iron and when it split it became the East and West Roman Empire which later revolved into the which will later evolve into what we have in the modern time today will be called Europe and the Middle East now that right here Europe present-day Europe present-day Middle East is what we see today so we see that Jesus per the prophecy is not going to return at the Gold not going to return at the silver or the bronze or the legs he returns at the feet now when Jesus returns a defeat that is to say modern day Europe and the Middle East so we see that what Daniel describes defeat as modern-day Middle East or at modern day I mean what Daniel is described as the clay and the iron in the feet is actually modern day Europe and Modern Day Middle East so if you're going to look at scripture and you want to correlate to well how do we know the Ten Kings are actually in Europe well look there's no King monarchs in Canada no monarchs in the U.S no Monarch Central America no marks in it in South America no modern arcs in Australia there's five in Asia seven in the Middle East three in Africa and one to Hope 10 in Europe so again we correlating what scripture has been consistently telling us about ten Kings we find in Revelation 17 and Daniel 2 10 toes correlates to the 10 monarchs in Europe so now if you're watching this as I said to watch this per the teaching of the Holy Spirit what is showing and teaching us all if you're watching you'll see that when the king of Thailand passed away it made Queen Elizabeth and Queen Margaret the longest reigning monarchs in history so now God made us so that when they were past their weight it would be such an epic historic event because this has never happened before to where we have the longest reigning monarchs ever who are the last two queens of the ten royal families to be replaced by the prophets that prophesied 10 Kings so God is putting a big highlight on this as I said since 2013 we need to watch with us we find that this is what God is pointing us to so when Queen Elizabeth passed away last week this made King Charles the ninth King of the ten King prophecy now that is something I've been saying for close to 10 years that has now come to pass but this isn't the only time what I said to watch for has come to pass look at this right here and again what I said to watch for happen again this is what I posted a video talking about you can identify the Antichrist before he's revealed and in it I talked about we need to watch for princess on Ben salov Jory the one who will become the Antichrist folks before you pound me with the comment saying you won't know until he's real you won't know she's revealed let me explain there's two people in human history who Satan himself possess Satan possess the future Antichrist and Satan already possess Judas these two individuals are the only ones in human history who's been possessed by Satan himself and the Bible calls these two individuals Son of Perdition Son of Perdition so when these two titles are given to these individuals it implicates that these are the ones who Satan himself possess now Judas being the first son of perdition was known amongst the disciples before he became the first son of perdition the disciples knew him disciples heard him the disciples saw him people saw him he was a public figure he walked with Jesus he people heard him people talked to him he was supposed to be the one that cared about the poor but he really was greedy so we find that in the scriptures that Jesus taught us and showed us that the first son of perdition could be seeing her talk to uh converts with and he was a public fixture he was known so the first set of addition was known before Satan entered him and became a son of perdition likewise the scriptures is teaching us we can see talk here and we can see talk here at observe witnessed the public figure of the Second Son of Perdition the Antichrist so that before he's revealed we can know who he is too just like Judas before he was revealed to be the second the first son of addition so yes we can know who he is before he is publicly revealed as the Son of Perdition now let's pay attention to this this is why I say to watch one 2014 we need to watch for Pope Francis the one who will become the false prophets and watch for a prince from Jordan who wants to be king what this means folks is just like what I said before and that is that donkey this Jesus asked the disciples and command his disciples to go get the donkeys they knew about the prophecy they were in the mix of getting it as the Lord had commanded did not even see what was really going on until after it had been fulfilled we're seeing Pope Francis right now he is that white horse he's about to go to Jordan where this conqueror is going to be where he's going to come from that's why he's not going to attack Iran is because that's the country where he's from now because of that the only thing we're waiting for after this merger happens is for him to meet trading and prince who wants to be king that's what it's all about you have to understand they have to meet the false prophet and Antichrist they have to meet first before they go do what the Bible says they're going to do so this is what I've been teaching and is what I've been showing and what I've been saying watch for the pope and watch for the watch for Pope Francis to meet princess son the ventilov Jordan just like I said watch you need to in other words watch for the false prophet it means the future answer Christ because they have to meet first before they go do what the Bible says they're going to do they're just not going to pop up out of nowhere and just start causing Havoc they have to meet and then go do what the Bible says they're going to do and I put that in a video in 2014 watch for them to meet first and then lo and behold this is what happened

Pope Francis and Princess son of Jordan met September 2014. just as I said to watch for them to meet per the teaching of the Holy Spirit I said watch for the two these two to me and they met watch for princess song been to law the Jordan once for Pope Francis to meet as in other words watch for the false prophet and watch for the Antichrist watch for these two folks who will be what the Bible say they will become watch them to meet first and then they're going to do what the Bible says they're going to do and just as the Holy Spirit taught us if you're watching based on the scriptures that he's given us all I posted this and it happened so now this is the second time based on what scripture has said based on what we see that what I said to watch for came to pass so this gives proof again that based on what the Lord is showing in teachers teaching us all we can find that yes Prince Hassan been to law the one who will become the future Antichrist and the one who will become the future false prophet it Pope Francis these two are the ones that needed to meet first before they go do what the Bible says they're going to do and they met just several months later after I posted a video to say and watch for them so this again tells us this is who we need to watch for these are the main characters of the end times of the all the events that we need to watch for it will center around these two Pope Francis the one who become the false prophet and Prince Osama bins love Jordan the one who'll become the Antichrist and I hope now you see how what I said to watch for again King to pass per the teacher nor the Holy Spirit based on what the scriptures says what the scripture he's given us all and what events he's showing us all in the world today and I hope this edified you I hope this brings Clarity to you I hope you're seeing things differently now because there's so much that's happening and I need to get this out quickly to those the Lord wants to know and those who want to learn and seek the Lord so I really hope that you like this give me a thumbs up give me a comment I'd love to know your thoughts and definitely follow me if you want more information on this topic thank you so much don't lose hope folks and remember Jesus is coming

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