Check out the book of revelation prophecy that happened in your lifetime. It was such a monumental biblical end time sign, yet so many christians and churches totally didn't see the significance. So I hope you'll grow closer to Jesus after understanding the book of revelation prophecy that happened in your life time.
hi there i'm so glad god led you here and i'm so glad that god called me to serve jesus by serving you and in this video the holy spirit is going to show you and teach you what churches of today and pastors of today are not showing and teaching and that's fulfilled prophecy that happened in your lifetime hey there my revelation christians my name is west watchman brooks and welcome to the revelation christian youtube channel i'm here to help you understand the topics of the book of revelation and to prepare you for the signs that will lead to jesus second coming because as you can see when it comes to this content there's so much misinformation on youtube many churches and pastors just don't talk about this topic because it scares the congregation and many christians find this book very difficult and confusing to understand when they try to read it and you yourself see how the world is becoming more sinful more unjust more unrighteous more evil and you see how the world just loves the sin more than they love the savior jesus christ and believe me it's just a matter of time before god starts to fulfill the events mentioned in the book of revelation where christians and in the world are going to pretty much freak out and no one's going to know what's going on and that's why god called me to serve jesus by serving you i've been doing this for the last seven years and i love doing this this is my passion this is my joy this is my fulfillment and i just hope one day this could become a media outlet a media source of information on this topic for the body of christ that's my joy and that's my drive and that's my purpose and if you're too busy with work life family well when you subscribe to the website you'll get monthly newsletters of what's going on in the world globally and domestically as it relates to the book of revelation and signs leading to jesus second coming that way i can keep you in the loop and i can serve jesus well by serving you to keep you well informed of what's going on so if i plant you may water god gives the growth and together with the power of the holy spirit we can wake up many more christians get them aware so they're not blind like the lord says people are always destroyed because of lack of information the lack of knowledge they're blind so we don't want to be like that we want to be wide awake we don't want to be sleeping we want to be wide awake and that's what this channel is devoted to and you can help that as you share this information out with the other members of the body of christ amen special thanks to all the revelation christians who help financially support this channel thank you so much your financial contribution helps me get god's message out that jesus is coming your financial support helps me get closer to my dream of me doing this one day full-time where i could be a media source of content that talks on these topics of the book of revelation and signs leading in jesus second coming to really help the body of christ because like we know we see that it's just not a popular topic in church and god gave us this book for a very important reason so i definitely want to thank the revelation christians out there who helped support this your contribution your support for this content and this service really really really is appreciated thank you so much and i really want to send out and honor you for your help and contribution and if you see that i'm serving jesus well by serving you and you want to financially contribute to the service find the information below in the description there's so many ways you can do so you can do so through donation or you can purchase apparel to help god's message jesus is coming get out or you can be a monthly subscriber either way as long as you're a cheerful giver god loves your child forever so do i i really appreciate it and when you do so i will honor you to the body of christ and recognize you for your financial contribution to this work that i do for jesus for you fulfilled bible prophecy that has happened in your lifetime that many churches have not talked about and many pastors have not mentioned i'm telling you when you finish seeing this video you your mind is just gonna go and you will not believe how distant we are or how far from far we are from what the holy spirit is showing us this this is gonna be so mind-blowing for you but it's going to be so obvious just like in the old testament when jesus fulfilled old testament prophecies it was very obvious prophecy messiah would be born of a virgin fulfilled obvious prophecy from the side would be crowned with thorns fulfilled obvious prophecy be piercing aside fulfilled obvious prophecy that his garment would be began before fulfilled obvious time and time and time and time and time again god shows that when he fulfills prophecy it's obvious so now let's see what the lord holy spirit is going to show us that's obvious and you will see that this prophecy has happened in your lifetime and yet it is almost unheard of within the body of christ in churches and by pastors of today so to first understand the book of revelation the first rule is to understand it's about future events future events it was written by the last living disciple of jesus christ the apostle john the same one that wrote the gospel of john john 1 john 2 and revelations all the same person it's the apostle john the last survivor of the 12 disciples from 98 d the last survivor john was captured by the roman empire and was thrown into the island called patmos which is right off the coast of turkey then god takes john up into heaven and shows him all these different wonders one of the things he sees is jesus in his non-human form his heavily formed his majestic form he didn't recognize jesus as a human because he wasn't in his human form he sees jesus in this king of kings lord lord son of god majestic king of heaven form and that's in revelation chapter 1 where we see this description of jesus where he has the sword coming out his mouth but again it's not the human form of jesus it's the heavenly majestic king of king form of jesus john is showing future events that will happen in heaven and god shows john future events that would happen on earth and of all the events that god is showing john there's a particular specific event that god shows john in revelation chapter 17. in revelation chapter 17 an angel who i believe to be uriel uh escorts john and he's trying to explain he goes about explaining to john this image that he sees this angel goes to explain that this image that john sees is a world religious power that will rise during the end time and the image that john sees is the point of view of how god sees this religious power on earth so as we see it one way on earth god is showing to john how he sees it from heaven kind of like god's vantage point let me break it down like this remember when jesus walked the earth well jesus when he walked earth is called the lamb of god now we're not looking for a four-legged creature to call out the lamb of god it was how god viewed jesus christ god looks at him as his lamb so that lamb is god's point of view of how he sees jesus christ and this image that god is showing john is his point of view of how he sees this religious power on earth and the angel goes to explain well when you see this religious power and when you see the judgment that comes to this religious power on earth it will be a clear indication it's the sign of the end time clear as can be sign of the end time when you see the judgment first you see it and then you see the judgment of this religious power it's asani in time so let's take a look at revelation 17 and let's see how the holy spirit teaches you what the lord god is showing us all okay revelation 17 starts off where it talks to this angel says come i will show you the judgment so the angel goes to explain that this is about the judgment so this is a coming punishment a coming decision that is going to happen in the future to religious power continues of the harlot who sits on many waters but many times in the old testament that god describes israel playing the harlot meaning they will adorn themselves beautify themselves and dress themselves up to worship other gods false gods like molech baal you name it so that's what god describes as a harley a prostitute they give their bodies over for something in return to false gods that's the terminology of a harley in the biblical sense well waters where it sits on waters well what is waters means waters is talking about in verse 15 it gives the answer it says waters represents people multitude nations and tongues so we're seeing that it's talking about just the world all types of people all types of nations all type of languages all types of backgrounds that's what it's talking about so when it says see this this this false religion this this false worship of god uh over all types of people of the earth so far so good right this continues with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of our fornication so we're seeing here that is talking about that this religious power this false religious power is over kings and the inhabitants of the earth and over people's languages nations and tongues so this thing has a reach that were usually when it's of someone playing the harlot you have a prostitute going out to an individual to get the service to get paid for what they want in exchange for giving their body like israel they gave the body to false gods hoping that the false gods would give them something in return well john is saying here that this thing is playing the harlot fornicating all the world so this harlot the false religious uh body here this false religious image that john is seeing is going out to the world this thing is adorning itself it's dressing up itself it's beautifying itself as a false religion going out to kings going at the inhabitants of the earth going out to nations tongues and languages and all types of people to get them drunk and intoxicated with this false religion so far so good and we're gonna the holy spirit is gonna break down who this is it will just blow your mind away watch this so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of the names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns so he sees his image of a harlot sitting on a beast with seven heads and ten horns so we have this woman who's like a prostitute sitting on an animal a monster a beast that has seven heads and ten horns and when john sees this thing he's like he's like what is that i don't even know what that is so he's just marveled at such a creature as this as god is revealing mind you this is the vantage point of how god sees something on earth so he has a different point of view so he sees this religious power on earth but he's portraying it to john as this harlot sitting on a beast with seven heads and ten horns the holy spirit is going to teach you who this religious power is because again the angel is telling us hey when you see this thing this religious power and when the judgment comes to this religious power it's a signing in clear case closed no question about it so what is this religious power on this earth that god is showing john what is it now mind you the lord holy spirit is going to teach you and it will blow your mind so let's just see what he has to say the woman was arrayed in purple here's the first clue we see that the woman that's on this beast that's on many waters is actually covered in purple she has purple on so what religious power on this earth that world's purple that we can say hey that religious power world's purple just like how god is showing in to him this harlot where it's purple is there any religious power on earth that is identified with wearing purple yes the bishops of the roman catholic church are identified as a religious group and power that wears purple and it continues and wears scarlet so now we see that not only is this harlot worn purple but the harlot wears scarlet now is there any religious power on earth that is identified with wearing red just like the harlot is wearing red any religious power on earth known to wear red in conjunction with purple yes the roman catholic church the cardinals of the roman catholic church wears red so we now have two identifying marks as the lord holy spirit is teaching us and showing us the harlot words purple and red which is a religious power that's over the earth we see that we have the roman catholic church bishops and the roman catholic church cardinals that also wears red and purple that is over the face of the earth like mine job right like like did that just talk about last sunday or sunday before that last year anytime that's why the lord holy spirit led you here that's why god led you here so we can we can get this going we can wake up and not be blind hey man so let's keep going let's see this is exciting getting me hyped now watch this there's more to come adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls and now we see that this image of this harlot not only has red and purple but has is adorned which means to cover to put on like a bride puts on her uh head covering it's this image here has an is adorned with pearls gold and precious stones so is there any religious group in this world that is identified with not only one purple and red but now it's covered with precious stones gold and pearls yes the tierras of the popes they are adorned with gold pressure stones and pearls they are covered and placed on top or quote adorned on top of the popes of the roman catholic church next having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations in the filthiness of her fornication so now we see that the harlot has a golden cup which the scripture says that what this ritual of this golden cup is used for it's an abomination and it's just blasphemous so is there any religious group in this world that's identified with wearing red identified worn purple identified with adorned purses stones precious stones gold and uh pearls and that also includes the use of a golden cup the mass that is conducted by the roman catholic church involves drinking from a golden cup so now we're seeing check check check check check just as the lord is teaching us we see the red we see the parable we see the dormant of the pearls gold and precious stones and now we have what we also see that the scripture is showing us with the golden cup all pointing to vatican rome the roman catholic church so as you can see for yourself this is being this is very specific very detailed it is hard to try to miscrit screw just very very honed in on what the lord is showing us and that is this is identifying the roman catholic church then we have verse five and on her forehead was the name written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth well what does that mean where in the scriptures jeremiah speaks to the same thing being on a forehead in relation to a harlot jeremiah 3 verse 3. therefore the showers have been withheld speaking to israel and there has been no latter rain you have had a harlot's forehead which what does it mean to have a heartless forehead you refuse to be ashamed and so we see that jeremiah is talking to israel saying that they have a heartless forehead that they refuse to be ashamed and now we see jon is seeing this image of our harlot has a heartless forehead obviously with in the abominations of the earth being ascribed on it but the essence of it is that this image whatever it is as the lord is leading us to believe it's the roman catholic church refused to be the same because it's an abomination of what she does verse six we have i saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and when i saw her i marveled with great amazement so so far as this is leading us to believe that this is the roman catholic church the vatican has there been a history of martyrdom with those who follow jesus christ and rejects the roman catholic doctrine yes we have the inquisition where over a hundred thousand individuals were killed because they would not give in to the roman catholic church in the doctrine of it and we also have queen mary of the of england who also went about killing hundreds of different uh protestants who would not give him and rejected a roman catholic doctrine so this is very very reminiscent of what has happened in the past fulfilling the scripture of the killing of those who serve and worship jesus in his doctrine and not the doctrine of the pope in the roman catholic church and those who dwell on the earth were marvel whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they see the beast that was and is not and yet is so the holy spirit is teaching us something that's a mystery you want to know who's saved anyone that marvels the scripture saying anyone that marvels this thing their name is not written in the names book of life their name is not written in the book of life in heaven they're not saved that is an outward revelation of an inward mystery that anyone that worships this image that's pointing to the roman catholic church in the vatican the pope etc they're not saved because those who marvel it outwardly in really are not saved their names are not written in the book of life so as you see pope francis traveled the world brazil in the middle east uh in asia in america all across the world where people deify him and they worship him and they say going to him is the closest thing you can get to god their names are not written in in heaven their names are not in the book of life it's the truth of a mystery of in their heart they don't love jesus alone and believe in him alone no i'm coming to an end i hope you guys are still with me i hope you find this very useful if you are please give me a thumbs up let me know if you're in agreement so far and where do you stand on this information that the holy spirit is showing you so let's keep going this is going to be so mind-blowing as we come to a close watch this here is the mind here is the mind which has wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits so let's make this clear the scripture is telling us the seven hats that we see on this beast are actually seven mountains mountains make this let me make this as clear as possible if any body tells you that the seven heads which the scriptures say are seven mountains and then someone says the seven kingdoms they are wrong seven mountains a mountain is a mountain it's a mountain in fact if you go to the scriptures and you look at what john wrote in the in the gospel you see the same word he used for mountain here as jesus went on the mountain like the sermon mount is the same greek word used in revelation here the seven heads are seven mountains so we see the same author of the gospel who wrote mountain referred to a giant hill then is the same word being used in revelation of a mountain a giant hill don't let anyone convince you to think that this means kingdom seven kingdoms do not believe that that is not true we see that this seven heads are seven mountains and now what in the world can it be talking about when it's referring to seven mountains well so far holy spirit is teaching us this purple is the bishops the red are the cardinals we see so far the pearls press stones of gold and the dormant that goes in the post which is the tiaras and we see that the holy spirit's talking about this is it has a history of killing christians we see that now this is honing in on the vatican but how does this seven hills fit with the vatican well if you go to look at the vatican and look at its topography look where it is in terms of the landscape where it is in terms of this region you find that the vatican sits in the middle of one two three four five six seven seven hills so just as the scripture is telling us the location of this thing is surrounded by seven heads we see the vatican is exactly in the middle or sitting in the middle of seven mountains the harlot sits in the middle of seven heads the vatican sits in the middle of seven mountains just as the scripture lays it out right i know that's how it was for me for the first time so the scripture says that those seven heads are also seven kings so you probably ask yourself well how does that tie into this the popes there's no kings in the vatican actually there are if you go to the vatican's own website and you want to look up what type of government it is as with any monarchy the head of a monarchy are kings and queens and when you look at the state department website of the vatican look what it says here clearly it states that the type of government that the vatican is is an absolute monarchy and that the pope is in charge of the legislative judicial and executive branch of the vatican its own city state so if we see that queen elizabeth is the head of state because she rules a monarchy and like other monarchies have kings and the vatican clearly says hey you know we're monarchy too though we may call him pope the head of state of the vatican they're actually king so what god is showing us here is that this is a countdown we're gonna have seven kings we're gonna have the last seven seven six five four three two one and that is the countdown god is showing up leading us to the end and as we see here the scripture is telling us about the sequence of this seventh saying this so five have fallen of these seven five have fallen let's go back to 1922 pope pius xi let's count him as the first and mind you fallen means to die so you have pope pius the first you have pope pius xi he will be the first king who i followed after him pope pie is the eleventh he will be the second one that's followed the third saint john the 23rd he'll be the third king that i followed followed by pope paul vi he will be the fourth king that's fallen and then lastly pope john paul the first who would be the fifth king that have fallen so far we see here there are five kings aka popes that have died falling down and remember every pup that goes to that appointment that post that position goes there to die they all go there to die so so far we clearly have five popes that have fallen so far so good now next scripture tells us this then it says one is well one is what one is the six so who is the sixth pope saint john paul ii he's the sixth pope to have fallen now pay special close attention to what the scripture says next special close attention to what the scripture says next because this is what you have missed out on if this has not been talked about in churches about pastors now watch this because the holy spirit's trying to teach you something so watch this so we just left off with pope john paul ii who is the sixth then it says the seventh it says of him and the other who's the seventh has not come yet and when he comes he must continue for a short time that's the seventh so description the holy spirit is teaching us who's ever the king after the six who's the seventh whoever is that seventh king he will be on there for only short time that would just be there temporarily that's the prophecy that is the prophecy you need to watch for so that whoever comes next will be the one who would only be there for a short time that will be the seventh as mentioned in scriptures and lo and behold in 2013 this prophecy fulfilled because the one after john pope john paul ii was pope benedict and he was there for a short time yes in 2013 this prophecy revelations chapter 17 verse 10 was fulfilled right before your eyes in your lifetime and this was a fulfillment of the seventh king aka pope that will only be there for a short time mind you popes go there to die but 2 000 years ago the lord told us of this religious power that covered the world identified by bishops and cardinals adorned with gold pressure stones and pearls and has a ritual involving a golden cup that is surrounded by seven hills that it will have kings and of the countdown to the last king aka popes the seventh one will be the one where all who precede them will die that sabbath will be the one who will be a pope only for a short time and that happened in your lifetime now just hope that you've stuck with me so far because what would you rather see now will just really just blow your mind watch this verse 11 and the beast that was and is not is himself also the eighth and is of the seventh and is going to perdition so now as we see this image of this beast we see the we see what's on the beast which is the woman the harlot and we see the beast so we have a harlot and we have a beast the harlot that sits in the middle we identified as vatican but what is the beast what is this beast scripture says the beast is the eighth king and my revelation christians lo and behold the eighth king after pope benedict was pope francis the current pope of the vatican in the roman catholic church he's the eighth he's the eighth king and as scripture is showing us he is the one that god sees as the beast he is the identified beast of the book of revelation elijah there's two of them so this is the beast here with the seven heads of ten horns this is that beast i hope that you're seeing this i hope you see the reality of this i hope you see the fulfillment of this the truthfulness of this that this is not to be misinterpreted because it is clearly indicating a religious power and all the identifying marks points to the roman catholic church and the pope and in a specific especi with with specificity it's pointing to pope francis as being the beast with the seven heads and ten horns now leave you with this in closing what to watch for next verse 12 the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as of yet but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast the scripture is telling us that we need to watch for 10 kings to rise that's what we're looking for 10 kings who will work in conjunction with the beast 10 kings to work in conjunction with pope francis and what we see here is that is there any place in the world where we got to identify ten kings yes that is europe there are ten monarchies in europe of which two have queens queen elizabeth of uk and queen margaret of denmark so the prophecy to watch for next which i'm sharing with you ahead of time is to watch for a new king in uk watch for a new king in denmark and then that will then fulfill and give rise to the ten kings as we see here in this image of the ten horns so that is the next prophecy to watch for guys the holy spirit has taught you showed you gave you an understanding so please don't ignore that because if you ignore that you would then ignore verse 12 which is the next prophecy we needed to watch for that as fulfillment of a king in uk and a fulfillment of a king in denmark so i hope that you now understand and see the prophecy that fulfilled in your lifetime uh if you find this useful information please give me a thumbs up let me know your thoughts if there's something that blew your mind away you've never thought this before and never heard this before and now it is obvious and evident and you can't ignore it leave me a comment below i love to hear your comments i love to engage with you all and i love to know that i'm serving jesus well by serving you but i can't do it if you don't leave me a comment so please do so i really would appreciate it again visit the website see if there's other resources information and tools there that can help you out i love doing this and please also if you find this useful and you want to help contribute please find information below to financially support this uh this media and this content and know that i love doing this i love serving god i love serving jesus christ and i love serving you the revelation christian community and helping everyone hear the message that jesus is coming [Music]