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The Revelation  Watchman

Writer's pictureWest "Watchman" Brooks

Book Of Revelation Pretribulation Rapture Review - Part 2 The PreTrib Rapture

This video will critique allen parr book of revelation review and discuss the pretribulation aka pretrib rapture doctrine by covering scriptures from the book of revelation that show the rapture happens at "the last trumpet" which is not in the beginning of the book of revelation, but the middle.

so recently brother allen park produced a video to talk about the book of revelation from beginning to end and i wanted to critique his uh commentary on the book of revelation because a lot of topics that i think he was incorrect on not because that he has an ill intent of heart or anything so anything to see for anything like that but rather brother ellen parker surprise subscribes to a institutional perspective a more scholarly theologian traditional point of view of the book of revelation like many christians do but when i show you what the holy spirit is showing and taking us based on what scripture says versus what traditions of men say i think you'll come to a realization that he's incorrect on some topics and hopefully this i hope that this will edify your understanding of the book of revelation stay tuned you don't want to miss this [Music] hey i'm wes watchman brooks and welcome to the revelation christian i'm here to help christians understand the book of revelations and the signs of the times that they could see happening with their own eyes in order to prepare them for jesus second coming and proof to show you that the holy spirit is teaching what i'm saying here in june 2014 i said for the teaching of the holy spirit watch for princess son benzolab jordan meets pope francis as i believe through the teaching of the holy spirit that this is the one who will be the false prophet and this is one who will be the antichrist and i said based on the teaching of the holy spirit watch these two to me before they go do what the bible said they're going to do in the future i said watch them and meet and three months later september 2014 they met just as the holy spirit taught i posted it came to pass so you can trust the holy spirit is here teaching us all that being said we need to watch for the next prophecy which is revelation 17 12 which is the rise of the ten kings so we need to watch for queen elizabeth of uk to be replaced by king queen margaret of denmark to be replaced by king and this will give rise to the prophecy of the ten kings mentioned in the book of revelation and now that you know who i am and you trust what the holy spirit is showing us definitely to subscribe to this youtube channel so that way any new videos i post you'll get an alert so let's see what the holy spirit has to teach us today so recently brother allen park talked about a book of revelation commentary and he went over the entire book of revelation but again he's speaking from a institutional point of view a traditions of men point of view a theologian scholarly point of view problem is it doesn't really work on a lot of the topics that he's talking about and again you can find this mentioned in the scriptures when jesus came on the scene walked the earth and started to explain prophecy as related to him but so many of the people at the time just couldn't understand it they've been tradition they've been institutionalized by the traditions of men that when jesus came to fulfill the prophecy it just went right over their head and he didn't they didn't even realize that he was fulfilling prophecy right before their eyes and that was because a lot of the people in the public at the time had subscribed to the traditions of men subscribed to the rulers and what they said subscribed to what the institution had said and not what jesus was showing and that's why a lot of them did not see and understand that prophecy was happening right before the eyes was mentioned by the prophets in the old testament and we see this happening again we see that the holy spirit is fulfilling prophecy right before eyes but again like before the public is subscribed to the rulers the teachers the scholars the institutionalists the traditions of men and not subscribing to what the holy spirit is showing us and that's why i make these videos to be able to show you what the holy spirit is showing us so i want to go over what alan parr said in this particular topic which is the tribulation see what he said see the scripture shows debunk it then you can see the truth so that you're well aware of what god is teaching and showing us as released today so that you're be edified comforted and exhorted so let's take a look so here we have brother ellen parr and he's talking about uh again the book of revelation you can watch this whole entire video where he talks about the book of revelation in 60 minutes so you can see his entire video in context there but here's what what he's generally saying he gives a timeline of the book of revelation or end times uh as a whole and he goes to say that the rapture happens here it happens uh at the right at trap or i would say revelation chapter six or before revelation chapter six right after the letters of the church and the justification behind that is because church is not mentioned after that so their bases on the the rapture again is not on what the scripture says but rather what the scripture doesn't say so they take away what the scripture doesn't say as opposed to what the scripture says and then they apply an application of doctrine that rapture happens because the word church isn't mentioned that is not how the holy spirit teaches us that is not how god teaches us we don't need to see what the scripture does not say and then make a whole doctrine around it because it's going to be fallible and we need scriptures we need to understand scripture in the context of what it does say to give us an understanding around it and then apply it to what god is showing us amen so as you can see here this whole preacher doctrine is based off one simple as one simple i would say

assumption it's an assumption because the word church is not mentioned the church is raptured that's an assumption that is not sound in terms of understanding what the scripture is trying to say and i'm going to show you why here so let's take a look now in revelation 6 is where the tribulation period begins what is the tribulation period the tribulation period is a seven year period whereby god administers his wrath and his justice and his judgment upon those who have not believed in him who were left behind on the earth during this time to be all sorts of crazy things that happened which we're going to go over in just a moment so again you see the doctrine around the pre-tribulation rapture is that before when the tribulation era comes christians would have been raptured up before and not experiencing any of the circumstances mentioned in the era of the tribulation so that is the premise that we're going to debunk based on scripture so if you disagree with what i'm saying here you either are making a choice to choose to believe and put your belief in a doctrine based on an assumption because the word church isn't mentioned therefore i'm raptured or you have to take what scripture says and what scripture shows and put your faith in that and understand that god has a purpose in the plan for us so you won't have to choose one or the other one will strengthen your faith the other one will definitely hit it hard when the time comes because you've so told to believe something that's false you've told you've chosen to believe in something that's that's fallible that's incorrect so i'm trying to show you scripture to edify you and so that you're prepared not believe in something that's conveniently comfortable to believe because the traditions of men said so because it didn't work for israel when they did it at the same time so let's take a look at what scripture says about the tribulation and about tribulation so we can understand what god is trying to show us amen let's go so here's what scripture says about tribulations now remember the premise again is we're not supposed christians do not experience tribulation there's no way to explain there's no way christians going to experience tribulation there's no there just doesn't happen christians don't experience that we're raptured up well there's we're just ready to go when the jesus train comes right let's let's see if that's true uh here we go john chapter 16 verse 33 these things now here's jesus speaking jesus is speaking these things i've spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation in the world you will have tribulation so jesus is telling us you will have tribulation but be of course here i've overcome the world acts we have the apostles apostles are speaking so we have this information here we must through many tribulations into the kingdom of god so even as it relates to the kingdom of god which we know the rapture takes us to we see the kingdom of god it says we must must through many tribulations into the kingdom of god so you would have to really refute this you have to deny what jesus said you have to deny what the holy spirit is telling us here and look what paul writes and not only that but we also glory in tribulation knowing that tribulation produces perseverance so now we understand that why christians are going to go through the tribulation to build perseverance so we understand that god is going to allow us to go through the tribulation for the purpose of perseverance so you don't have to ignore what jesus said disregard what the apostle says disagree ignore what paul said and if that's not enough the author of revelation tells us i john both your brother and company in the tribulation so even paul experienced tribulation the author of the book of revelation we even know that he himself went through it so that alone tells you from what jesus said the acts of the apostles what paul said john said they're all telling us christians go through per through tribulation they go through it yet you would rather bel from what jesus said the apostle said apostle paul said the apostle john said and from what we understand from what the scripture is teaching us you will want to subscribe to a tradition of men doctrine that will tell you that when the tribulation comes of the in the book of revelation the ultimate tribulation right the tribulation mentioned in the book of revelation that somehow it doesn't apply to you you are not going to experience tribulation when we just read how the scriptures told us that we are subject to that for the purpose of perseverance then how do you persevere what's perseverance for how do you get perseverance perseverance comes from somewhere we know is one of the gifts of the holy spirit right so we see that we have perseverance where perseverance comes from perseverance come from tribulation but if you don't have the tribulation how do you get it so you see here's what scripture is telling us this is what yet we see what traditions of men and doctrine false doctrines are teaching us and we see this division so i'm showing you again what scripture says versus what the judicial men say we're showing you what the holy spirit is teaching us and showing us versus what the the institutional convenient comfortable doctrine of pre-tribulation says so this is what i want to show you so you know the truth and that you may persevere when the time comes but if that's not enough let's keep going check this out now if you have to disregard that look what we see here in revelation 16 9 6 9 says and this is now the fifth seal says when he opened the fifth seal i saw under an altar of the souls who had been slain for the word of god for their testimony which they held and they cropped it a lot of votes saying how long o lord until truly and true until you judge and avenge our blood on the dwell on earth and the white robe was given to each of them and it was late it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and brethren whom would be killed who would be killed as they were was completed so we see when the fifth sale happens when the fifth sales opened we see that there's a increase of christian persecution christian martyrdom a lot of martyrs now if the pre-trib doctrine was correct if the church is raptured before the first seal opens because that's what the doctrine says the doctrine says before since church isn't mentioned thereafter they know everyone we don't experience nothing when the first seal kicks off we don't experience nothing after that well what are the how do the martyrs still there who are the martyrs the martyrs if christians are vacuumed up then who are these martyrs the martyrs shouldn't be there christians shouldn't be on the planet right christians shouldn't be on the planet because they're martyred up i mean they're taking out they're raptured up but we see that they're christians still on the planet why because the pre-trib rapture isn't true that's why if the pre-trib rapture was correct there should be no christians on the planet yet we see in the fifth seal there are christians on the planet being killed if the pre-trib adoption was true they wouldn't be there to be killed and we know that in the furthest point in the further part of the book of revelation the remaining christians on the planet are forced to take a mark on their hand and afford to distinguish who are christians who are not but we don't see this here we see christians being killed these are christians being killed so this is absent of the mark so this is something totally different so how are christians left on the planet being killed if they just got raptured because the pre-trib doctrine is wrong the pre-trib doctrine is wrong there is no rapture of the church before the times of the seals that's false which which sell what scripture shows us here and explains to us why they're christians still left if every christian was raptured there would be no martyrs to kill but since there are murders to kill and many more since per the verse we just read then it means they're still here this proves again the pre-trib doctrine is incorrect and you have to and that's the part that pre-trib adoption can't reconcile they lean on just this assumption because the word church isn't mentioned therefore it's wrong but you can see again scripture is telling us based on what jesus said based on what the apostle said based on what paul said what john said based on what we see in the fifth seal all this is a consistent narrative that christians will go through their tribulation we see that it's the narrative is consistent it's not there's nothing confusing about the thread that we see is very consistent though if that ain't enough look at this we see the prophet suffered tribulation the apostles suffered tribulation early christians suffered tribulation in the era in the time of nero and the roman empire 32 000 individuals christians were executed during the spanish inquisition and as recent as the middle east when christians were killed by isis so we see there's tribulation christians go through tribulation but somehow the preacher adoption will have you believe that when jesus is ready to meet us that somehow we are all ready to go we are we are pristinely ready to go no one no one has any issues to get rid of any repentance any things to detach from so anything to change and we are just ready to go for jesus as if god can't see into all our hearts and say that oh we need to fix this we need to fix it's the very point why jesus sent seven letters to the churches because they there are some things he they needed to correct which is us things we need to correct but you they will have you believe no you're ready to go one you're going to be ready to go to boom it's just going to happen there's you don't need to change anything because when the time comes you which you won't know you won't even know the time of the rapture which god gave us the book of revelation for us to know when we see these signs but preacher abduction will tell you you don't you don't even need to know because it's just going to happen you're going you're going you're already ready whereas we see through scripture through the narrative that we have to go through tribulation so they can have perseverance so that we can be a bride that's ready but if that's not enough let's look at more so then we have this now this ain't enough to really just bring it home look at this the pre-drip doctrine dictates that everyone is raptured of that revelation chapter four because again the word church isn't mentioned so by that assumption the rapture happens here because the word church which is a false application of trying to understand prophecy now when we look at the context of the chapters we see the first through sixth seal happen in chapter six first through fourth trumpet in the seventh seal in chapter eight fifth through sixth trumpet happens here in chapter nine and we see the seventh trumpet here in chapter 11. now we see that john paul says this in first corinthians behold i will tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep meaning those who are dead christians but we shall be changed in a moment in the twin column eye at the last trumpet at the last trumpet i'm saying this again at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised and corrupted and will be changed this is talking about the rapture when the dead in christ will rise and those who remain shall join dead christians and join jesus in the clouds this is the rapture right here and when does he say he gives us the mystery he tells us a mystery because john paul was given privy information about the very same thing john was going to see later on and we see here that paul says at the last trumpet at the last trumpet so we see at the last trumpet and we just look at the book of revelation and we see okay we see seals we see trumpets we see bulls okay we're hearing these trumpets well there's a first there's the second there's the third the fourth oh look there's a seventh trumpet the seventh trumpet the there's our last trumpet we can easily take away that this is what paul was talking about therefore the rapture is not here it's here the seventh aka last trumpet so pre-trib doctrine followers and those who subscribe to it will have to explain well how do you explain what what paul said here talking about christians and being transformed in the dead rising paul clearly said it's at the last trumpet but they would rather have you believe no no no because here because uh we don't go through the tribulation so because we don't go through the tribulation uh uh you're gonna be raptured here uh right before uh chapter four so you're gonna go through the tribulation where paul says as we just read through tribulation we shall enter the kingdom of god aka the last trumpet so you see guys it's not hard the consistency of the narrative of the tr of the rapture is clear we go through the tribulation and the last trumpet where the dead and christ rise those who are alive and will be caught up and we gather together in the clouds and meet jesus in the clouds consistency it's very clear and i hope that you see that now i hope you're not subscribing to the pre-trib doctrine and i hope that if you did you're now unsubscribed from the pre-trip doctrine be able to see what scripture is telling us so that you can build perseverance because the only way to get perseverance is through tribulation so don't you're not going to be able to have perseverance without it and i hope that this now edifies you last but not least if you've been watching my videos you'll see that i've been talking about this so many times but again as the pre-trib doctrine says the rapture happens here which absolves us from experiencing the error of the tribulation then you have to explain why do we see pope francis why do we see pope francis fulfilling revelation chapter 17 here because again we see that as scripture talks about the pre-trib happens here we see the tribulation first seal second sealed trumpets the wrath the bulls we see pope francis filling chapter 17 which implies and gives us the understanding that god has moved this chapter first because we see pope francis filling chapter 17 as we speak he fulfilled chapter 17 as the the eighth beast in revelation chapter 17 verse 11. so now i hope that you see the truth of the pre-trib doctrine and that we will go through tribulation because god wants to build our perseverance that is the fruit of the spirit you can't have the perseverance without the tribulation so with the tribulation we get the perseverance plus you see what the scripture says per jesus per john per paul for the apostles plus you see what we already find when it comes to the what paul said in first corinthians about the last trumpet so we're going to go through tribulation at the last trumpet then go up in the sky with those who are dead in christ so it's very consistent and i hope that you now understand what the scripture is telling us so that you can be edified and corrected and not subscribed to something that's a false sense of security because that's what it is thank you for watching let me know if you like this video give me a thumbs up leave me a comment love to know your thoughts and definitely share this with others especially those who are in the pre-trip community uh they probably won't listen but still so that you can know so that we can wake up them wake them up and let them know what's going on thanks for watching don't lose hope and remember jesus is coming


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